What is a voice level 1 and what does it sound like?
A voice level 1 is a whisper voice.
Who is the principal of the school?
Mrs. Decorso
What are the classroom rules?
Follow directions quickly, maintain expected voice level, Follow classroom signals, make smart choices, Keep your eyes and ears on the target, protect brains, bodies, and hearts
Where do you put a broken pencil that needs to be sharpened?
In the black dull bucket, by the mailboxes.
How do you get more water for your water bottle?
Show the sign and wait for teacher to say yes. Quietly go to the sink and fill it up. Make sure to turn off the water completely so it doesn't drip.
What is a voice level 2 and what does it sound like?
A voice level 2 is a normal voice. It is not a shouting voice. Only those around you should be able to hear it.
What are all of the names of the teachers in 2nd grade?
Mrs. Cahoon, Mrs. Kartchner, Mrs. Olivieri, and Mrs. Losito
Maintain expected voice level, Eyes and Ears on target, Make smart choices
Where do you hang your backpacks?
In your cubbies!
How do we line up?
*Walk silently to your spot
*Face forward
*Signal up or hands at your sides
*Leave space in front of you and in back of you
Where are two places you might use a voice level 1?
Some examples:
-In the bathroom
-Asking a question during Choice Board time
- Asking someone to give you space on the rug
How do you use the bathroom in 2nd grade?
If teachers are not giving instructions, you show the correct signal, wait for a teacher to say yes or no. Grab the pass. Voice level 0 in the hallway and classroom.
A kid decides to budge in the lunch line. What rule or rules are they breaking?
Make smart choices, Protect brains, bodies, and hearts
Where does your reading group card belong?
In the top of your seat pocket, next to your decision tree.
How do we enter the classroom after recess?
*Standing calm in hallway, as you enter put jackets away
*Walk directly to your desk
-Do not stop to talk or ask questions to your classmates or your teacher
*Have your supplies ready
*If you need to problem solve with a classmate, raise your hand to speak to your teacher first (wait patiently)
Voice level 0- no talking!
Why is it important to have a voice level 0, or no talking, in the hallway?
It is important to respect the learning of the classrooms around us in the hallway. We do not want to be a distraction!
Can you name all of the kids in our class?
Valeria, Debora, Treighsen, Lily, Esai, Ryder, Max, Xander, Graciela, Yair, Valka, Foster, Mariana, Ethan, Skye, Jose, Divinity, Koby, Cristian, Eden, Mario, Ryken, Lyllian, Isabella, Olivia
What is the sideline consequence? What do you do?
You quietly take your work to the sideline chair, pull it out and begin working. The sideline consequence helps you refocus and take a break without leaving the class.
Where do toys from home belong?
At home! (or in your backpack if you forgot)
After reading groups, what do you need to do to get ready for High Frequency Word Routine (HFWR)?
What should the voice level be after recess while you are waiting in the hallway?
The voice level should be a 0 or 1.
What is the name of the spinning blue toy outside on the playground that can have 2 kids in it?
Big Blue
What are the two most important goals of school?
To learn and to feel like you belong.
Where do library books go while they are checked out to you?
In your cubby box!
What are the steps to restoring the classroom at the end of the day, and getting ready to go home?
1. Clean up your desk and the floor around you. Throw any trash away.
2. Get your mailbox papers and items. Set them on your desk.
3. Go in the correct direction to get your backpack. Start putting papers away. Make sure nothing is left out.
4. Wait for Mrs. Cahoon to call for kids to line up and go home.