what condition did the man that Jesus said for him to put mud on his face and wash it off have?
Who betrayed Jesus?
Where did Jona go insted of Niniva?
What did pharaoh say to Moses when he said “let my people go” In Eva’s version?
Nah bro nah!
What is the capital of Utah?
Salt Lake City
How many days had Lazarus been dead for before Jesus came?
4 days
Who denied Jesus 3 times?
where Did Jesus walk on agua?
The sea of goualalash
What did pharaoh do when the Israelites when into the dessert?
He went after them
who invented the light bulb?
Thomas Edison
What did Jesus say about the girl that he raise from the dead When everyone thought she was dead?
She’s asleep
Who is Eva’s favorite pharisee?
Sheuel ( IDK if I spelled that right )
Where did Jesus tell the blind man to wash his eyes?
In a pool
Who wanted all the hebrews boys killed?
King Harod
Who invented math?
Ancient Egyptians
When Jesus healed the lame man, what did he say to pick up and go?
His mat
Who did God spare in the flood?
Noah and his family
What were the addresses of the people of the Bible?
Everyone says IDK
Who sang the coolest song in journey to Bethlehem?
King harod
What did Simon come up as during an act on AGT?
A puppet
True or false:
people know exactly we’re Jesus’s tomb was?
Who makes the best Christian memes?
Joe the Christian guy
Where did Jesus go to after he rose from the dead?
heaven ( ahhhhhhh! )
Who thought he was the king Of the world?
How did the printing press work?
By having metal letter blocks covered in ink and pushed onto paper