Favorite drink
Ice Tea Lemon
Favorite Smell
Baby smell
Favorite drink
Cold Milkshake
Favorite Smell
The scent of the bergamot tea
Favorite Color
Most Used Emoji
Sideways crying-laughing face
Favorite Color
Most Used Emoji
Smiling Face with Open Hands
Favorite Movie
Tron Legacy
Favorite Movie Snack
Pistachio and Coca Cola Zero
Favorite Movie
The Great Gastby
Favorite Movie Snack
Dried salted squid and cold kombucha
Favorite Event (TV or Public)
Eurovision Song Contest
What's one item he can't leave home without?
Mailman bag
Favorite Event (TV or Public)
Kids fresh-air events
What's one item she can't leave home without?
If she is alone - phone, If she is with a baby - a pacifier
Favorite Book
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
Favorite Song
Billie Eilish - Everything I Wanted
Favorite Book
Who will cry when you die? By Robin Sharma
Favorite Song
Imagine Dragons - It’s Ok