April "Tools"
Feeling Saucy
Souper Hungry
That's a Wrap!

In fine dining kitchens, this tool is used to test the internal temperature of product, most used for the temperature of fish or seafood, also most known for its name associated with cakes. What is this tool called? 

What is a Cake Tester 


Which American brand of hot sauce means, "place where the soil is humid" in Mexican Indian language? 

What is Tabasco


Name egg temperatures used in traditional diner-style cooking from less to most cooked. 

What is sunny side up, over easy, over medium, and over well 


What soup was deemed to soothe a "teenage soul", in the popular 90's books? 

What is Chicken Soup


A popular sauce used in Greek wraps, typically flavored with yogurt and cucumber. What is this sauce? 

What is Tzatziki


When using a convection oven, which setting on the oven will influence how quickly your product will bake and brown if used at the same temperature? 

What is the Convection Fan


What is a must have ingredient for the French derivative of mother sauce Hollandaise, Bearnaise? 

What is Tarragon 


A common ingredients for egg white substitution in creating egg white based desserts. 

What is Aquafaba 


A bisque's consistency could be viewed as smooth and silky. What is the name of a bisque's "chunky" natured counterpart? Also, the name of a popular animated cartoon. 

What is Chowder


Popular in Middle Eastern, South Asian, and Indian culture, what is the common flatbread served alongside dishes? 

What is Naan


For bread baking, a very sharp razor is used to cut the top of the loaf to allow the bread to "bloom" during baking. What is this tool called? 

What is a Lame 


A French sauce made from egg, sugar, wine, and commonly stock, better known for its Italian name Zabaglione. What is the French name for this sauce? 

What is Sabayon

What is the name of the traditional Japanese egg dish rolled into layers to create a stackable omelet?

What is Tamago


A popular Spanish soup with minimal ingredients, some of which is onion, stock, PLENTY of garlic, and thickened with bread? 

What is Sopa de Ajo or Garlic Soup 


What is the essential ingredient in broth used to stuff soup dumplings, often found naturally in bones and collagen? 

What is Gelatin


In Italian culture, a two-handed "moon" shaped knife is used to cut vegetables and herbs occasionally. What is this tool called? 

What is a Mezzaluna


4 Mother Sauces: Veloute, Hollandaise, Bechamel, Tomate. What is the fifth? 

What is Espagnole


Cloudy egg whites are an indication of staleness. True or False 

What is False 


From which country does the traditional soup Pho originate? 

What is Vietnam


What is the French technique for wrapping food in parchment and baking to contain steam and moisture?

What is en Papillote


A Central and South American cooking vessel used for tortillas, toasting spices, and even searing meat. What is the traditional name for this piece of equipment? 

What is a Comal


Escoffier is best known for inventing the 5 French mother sauces. Before Escoffier, there were 4 mother sauces invented by his predecessor. Who invented the 4 mother sauces before Escoffier? 

Who is Antonin Careme


Meringues use the combination of egg whites and sugar but are made very differently. What are the three types of meringue, and how are they different? 

What is French, Italian, and Swiss Meringue


When clarifying a consommé, there four very common ingredients in creating the "raft". What are two of them? 

What is ground meat, egg, tomato, and aromatics. 


What is the French culinary uniform piece wrapped around the neck? 

What is a Neckerchief 
