Indefinite pronouns
Modal verbs
First conditional

Read the verbs. Name the correct nouns.

agree - 

argue - 

communicate -

cooperate - 

disagree - 

manage - 

respect - 

trust -

agree - agreement

argue - argument

communicate - communication

cooperate - cooperation

disagree - disagreement

manage - management

respect - respect

trust - trust


Which of these pronouns refer to people, things and places?







people: everyone, someone

things: everything, something

places: everywhere, somewhere


Match the modal verbs with their meanings: can, can't, have to, not have to, need to, not need to.

what's necessary

what's not necessary

what's impossible

what's possible

what's necessary: have to, need to

what's not necessary: not have to, not need to

what's impossible: can't

what's possible: can 


Choose one sentence that ISN'T an example of the 1st conditional:

1. If you work in a team, you will do the job more quickly.

2. You'll save money if you walk to work.

3. I'm always unhappy when I have to use my credit card.

I'm always unhappy when I have to use my credit card.

This sentence is about the present while sentences in the 1st conditional talk about the future.


Complete the phrases with these words: brief, challenges, feedback, improvements, launch, prototype, sketches, solutions.

give ...

deal with ...

create a ...

make ...

receive feedback on a ...

find ...

... a new product

draw simple ...

give feedback

deal with challenges

create a brief

make improvements

receive feedback on a prototype

find solutions

launch a new product

draw simple sketches


Choose the correct option.

1. He wanted to do everything / something to challenge himself and improve his health.

2. The result isn't the same everywhere / somewhere.

3. They close their office every Friday for an hour of exercise for everyone / someone in the company.

1. something

2. everywhere

3. everyone


Match the modal verbs with their meanings: could , should, shouldn't. 

I think this is a possible action

It's a really bad idea

It's a really good idea

I think this is a possible action - could

It's a really bad idea - shouldn't

It's a really good idea - should


How many parts do the sentences in the 1st conditional have? What do they describe? What tenses are used?

Two parts.

If - clause ... (future condition)

Main clause (possible result in the future)

If + Present Simple; will + verb

If I have a lot of money, I will get a brand new car.


Read the nouns. Name the correct verbs.








conservation - conserve

damage - damage

destruction - destroy

protection - protect

pollution - pollute

recycling - recycle

reduction - reduce


Choose the correct option.

1. We can't do all this work ourselves. We need to hire everyone / someone / somewhere / something.

2. People all over the world drink cola. It's popular everything / everywhere / somewhere / somebody.

3. If you don't have time to make lunch, we can buy a sandwich or someone / everywhere / something / everything.

1. someone

2. everywhere

3. something


Choose the correct option.

1. I've got a car. I have to / can drive you to the airport.

2. My car has broken down. I don't need to / can't drive you to the airport.

3. There isn't a parking space in the street. I can / have to park in the car park. 

4. You don't need to / can't drive to the office, it's close enough to walk.

1. I've got a car. I can drive you to the airport.

2. My car has broken down. I can't drive you to the airport.

3. There isn't a parking space in the street. I have to park in the car park. 

4. You don't need to drive to the office, it's close enough to walk.


Choose the correct option.

1. You won't pay interest if you pay off / will pay off your credit card straightaway. 

2. If you eat out all the time, you spend / will spend a lot on food and entertainment. 

3. If you don't / won't want to borrow the money from the bank, I'll lend it to you. 

4. You'll save money if you walk / will walk or cycle instead of using public transport. 

5. If the banks stop / will stop lending money, they won't get any interest. 

6. It will be cheaper to borrow money if interest rates go down / will go down

7. If you work in a team, you do / will do the job more quickly. 

8. She won't lend you any money if she doesn't / won't get the job.

1. You won't pay interest if you pay off your credit card straightaway. 

2. If you eat out all the time, you will spend a lot on food and entertainment. 

3. If you don't want to borrow the money from the bank, I'll lend it to you. 

4. You'll save money if you walk or cycle instead of using public transport. 

5. If the banks stop lending money, they won't get any interest. 

6. It will be cheaper to borrow money if interest rates go down

7. If you work in a team, you will do the job more quickly. 

8. She won't lend you any money if she doesn't get the job.


Match the words to make collocations:

1. financial                           a) economy

2. withdraw                          b) by credit card

3. mobile                              c) system

4. tax                                   d) register

5. cashless                            e) cash

6. cash                                 f) revenue

7. payment                           g) wallet

1. financial system

2. withdraw cash

3. mobile wallet

4. tax revenue

5. cashless economy

6. cash register

7. payment by credit card


Complete the conversation with the correct pronoun.

A: Hello, ... . I'm glad you are all here. Before we start the meeting, let me ask you - do you have ... you need? A copy of the report and ... to write with - a pen or pencil?

B: Sorry, I left my copy of the report ... . I've looked ... for it, but I can't find it!

A: OK, could ... please print out an extra copy?








Complete the dialogue with could, should or shouldn't.

A: I'm really worried. I don't know what to do. 

B: What's the problem? 

A: I don't know if I ... stay at university or get a job. B: You ... do both. You ... get a part-time job and continue with your studies. 

A: But I haven't got any money. 

B: Maybe you ... borrow some for a couple of months. 

A: I don't think students ... borrow money.

B: I agree, but you ... work in the holidays and save your salary. 

A: That's true.

B: You really ... give up your studies now. You've only got another year.

A: Yes, you're right. ... I look for a job right now? 

B: Good idea!

A: I'm really worried. I don't know what to do. 

B: What's the problem? 

A: I don't know if I should stay at university or get a job. 

B: You could/should do both. You could / should get a part-time job and continue with your studies. 

A: But I haven't got any money. 

B: Maybe you could borrow some for a couple of months. 

A: I don't think students should borrow money.

B: I agree, but you could work in the holidays and save your salary. 

A: That's true.

B: You really shouldn't give up your studies now. You've only got another year.

A: Yes, you're right. Should I look for a job right now? 

B: Good idea!


Write first conditional sentences. Do not change the order of the words.

1. l / pay / cash / if / they / not accept / credit cards.

2. if /we / need / a bigger office / we / move .

3. I / borrow / from the bank / if / I / need / more money to pay employees' salaries.

4. if /we / not get / a loan / we / not buy / the office space.    

1. l will pay cash if they don't accept credit cards.

2. If we need a bigger office, we will move .

3. I will borrow from the bank if I need more money to pay employees' salaries.

4. If we don't get a loan we won't buy the office space. 
