What year is by many defined as the beginning of the modern era?
Martin Luther King Jr
Who wrote I have a dream in 1963?
Nobel Price in Literature
What price did Ernest Hemingway get awarded in 1954?
Her lover, Frank
Who was Eveline planning to run away with?
"Cat and Mouse Act"
What name was given to the law that allowed prison authorities to release hunger-striking women when their health was in danger and then imprison them when they had recovered?
The romantic era
What time period came before the modern era?
Mahatma Ghandi
Who wrote the quit India speech in 1942?
The modern world
What was Ernest Hemingway disillusioned with?
Her responsibilities and her fear of loosing her identity
Why did she stay?
Margaret Atwood
Who wrote Happy Endings?
Alienations, the feeling of not belonging
What is a common theme in modern literature?
Abel Meeropol
Who is the author of Strange Fruit?
Until what year was homosexual practice illegal in the UK?
Buenos Aires
Where did they plan to run away?
Their identity
What cannot the protagonist in modern literature take for granted?
Hanging bodies are fruit
What metaphor is the poem "Strange Fruit" based on?
The 20th Century and modernism
What century and period brought more complicated and conflicted approaches to love?
She died
What happened to EvelineĀ“s mother
Breaking up the narrative and changing the order of events in texts
What are some of the experimental writing techniques of the modern era?
Eighter women are to be killed or women are to vote
What two alternatives does the British government face regarding votes for women, according to Emmeline Pankhurst?
The lost generation
What is the group of Modernist American writers who settled in Paris called?
James Joyce
Who has been referred to as the most influential English writer in the 20th century?