Can be delivered in the form of a tablet, suppository, or douche.
What is vaginal route
34 degrees Celsius is equal to ____ degrees Fahrenheit
What is 93.2
2:35 in military time
What is 0235
ID meaning
What is Intradermal
The number at the top (17) 17/100
What is the numerator
Applied directly to the skin
What is topical
41 degrees Celsius is equal to ____ degrees Fahrenheit
What is 105.8
7:57am in military time
What is 0757
IM meaning
What is Intramuscular
12 patients are in the hospital and 4 have diabetes. The fraction of those with diabetes.
What is 4/12
Delivered by nebulizer, vaporizer, or meter-dosed inhaler.
What is Mist
95 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to ____ degrees Celsius
What is 35
3:14pm in military time
What is 1514
a.c meaning
What is before meals
The denominator of 60/1
What is 1
Medication by form of a patch that is absorbed through the skin.
What is transdermal.
102 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to ______ degrees Celsius
What is 38.9
11:54pm in military time
What is 2354
b.i.d meaning
What is twice a day
Reduction of 43/6
What is 7 1/6
Can be delivered in the form of a suppository or enemia.
What is Rectal
45.3 degrees Fahrenheit is equal to ______ degrees Celsius
What is 7.4
1:49pm in military time
What is 1349
prn meaning
What is as needed
Reduction of 100/20
What is 5