to limit, restrict, or keep under control
have three angles that are less than 90 degrees.
Shortest person in class
Isaac Rudy Procela
What haircut dd Isaac have in 5th grade.
What is the oldest Disney movie
Snow white and the seven dwarfs
multiply a sum by multiplying each addend separately and then add the products.
Distributive property
A grid with an X on the bottom and Y on top
Dayana Lopez
Who was Isaac's first friend?
Anthony Padilla
Who is tallest in 7th grade picacho
A collection of information
is a positive number that tells how far away a number is from zero - like on a number line.
Absolute value
is Dating Aveya
David Guzman
What is Isaac's full name
Isaac Rudy Procela
How much friends does Isaac have
Idk either
A method of representing points in a space of given dimensions by coordinates
Coordinate System
measure of a region's size on a surface
Use to have an bowl cut in 5th - 6th
Zander Alderete
What month did Isaac go to Picacho?
How tall is Isaac
a unit for measuring volume
Cubic Unit
two or more integers, which are not all zero, is the largest positive integer that divides each of the integers.
Greatest common diviser
Came to picacho in 6th and changed the haircut
Nikolas Belloc
What is the exact year,month, and day Isaac was born
April 27, 2011
Who Retired at the end of 6th grade
Mr. Thompson