What are 5 characteristics you can use to identify trees?
Shape/form, bark, leaf scar, smell, branch arrangement, leaf arrangement, buds, leaf shape, flower, seeds, fruits
What is an example of a threatened tree in PA?
Eastern Hemlock or American Holly
What is a natural resource?
Materials people use from the Earth.
Name the two types of forests.
Community and rural
What is the green molecule that makes food for the tree?
What is the name for trees that drop their leaves in autumn
What does endangered mean?
A species in danger of becoming extinct
List 3 examples of a renewable resource.
Animals, plants/ trees, water, air sunlight and wind.
How do trees improve air quality?
Trees absorb air pollutants.
What are pioneer plants?
The first new plants to grow in a cleared area.
What are leaf margins?
Leaf edges
What is a trait?
A characteristic about a living thing such as shape, size, color, smell and sound
How do trees protect soil?
Their roots control erosion.
What is a dead tree still standing?
What do you call a fruit with a papery seed?
What does extirpated mean?
A species believed by the state to be extinct. They may or may not exist outside of the state.
Name 3 fossils fuels
Oil, coal and gas
What is a characteristic of invasive plants?
Grow aggressively, spread quickly, displace native plants and cause harm to the ecosystem.
A cell layer wrapped around the wood of the tree. It makes new bark and new wood each year.
What’s a pore in the bark through which air can pass?
What are two things society does to protect animals from going extinct?
Hunting laws, wildlife laws, refuges, game lands ,parks, state forests, protect or care for animal habitats.
True or false- All renewable resources can last forever?
What is the Habitat Action Team?
A group of volunteers focused on enhancing wildlife habitat in York County Parks.
List 3 ways trees can reproduce other than through seeds.
Stump sprouts, root suckers, and layering.