Herbal Medicine
Marine Marvels
Most Populated City
Cheers! Here's to Natural Products in Your Glass
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After a day of finals or a big celebratory meal, calm your mind and body with a cup of this tea, an Asteraceae plant known for its carminative, anti-inflammatory, and antispasmodic actions.

What is chamomile?


Gentle creatures that have outlived the dinosaurs, there are 7 species known today: green, loggerhead, hawksbill, olive ridley, Kemp's ridley, flatback, and leatherback (the only softshell!).

What are sea turtles?


From lab, head straight north, across Lake Ontario to find yourself in this most populated city of our northern neighbor.

What is Toronto?


Your dark & stormy owes its characteristic flavor to the main sesquiterpenoids: bisabolene, zingiberene, and zingiberol found in this root.

What is ginger?


In 2008, our seniors came home from elementary school to cheer on this team to win the World Series against the Tampa Bay Rays.

Who are the Phillies?


This term refers to medicinal herbs that contain heteropolysaccharides that form gels or viscous solutions in water that soothe mucuous membranes (ex: Althea spp., Abelmoschus spp., Aloe vera, Salvia hispanica)

What are mucilaginous plants? (also demulcent)


Growing to the size of a school bus, these filter feeders are gentle giants despite their name, and the biggest fish in the world!

What are whalesharks?


Maybe Cisco will see the real football team play in this Spanish city before presenting his research in Salamanca for the Cannabinoid Research Society.

What is Madrid?


This alkaloid comes from the dried bark of the tree Cinchona succirubra, and is utilized in the treatment of malaria and in preparation of tonic water.

What is quinine?


The NIH helped to fund this 15-yr international research plan, completed in 2003, that mapped all of the base pairs that make up human DNA.

What is the Human Genome Project?


This species is the local North American relative to our lab's powerhouse bioactive mushroom KEL30, also called Lingzhi in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

What is Ganoderma tsugae (red reishi)?


Beautiful mollusks whose close relatives have existed for about 500 million years, get around the ocean by jet propulsion.

What are nautilus?


We'll say Viel Glück to Xiaoling before she presents her AHR research not far from this capital city, where the Spree River flows.

What is Berlin?


Add some KEL28 (wormwood) or KEL108 (orange peel) extract to your Old Fashioned because this drink ingredient can help slow down the entry of sugar into your bloodstream,and stimulate your liver to release the hormone cholecystokinin which tells the gallbladder to contract.

What are bitters?


In 2004, Linda B. Buck won the Nobel prize for the discovery of these chemoreceptors capable of binding odor molecules that play a central role in the sense of smell.

What are olfactory receptors?


This herbal action refers to medicinal plants known to tonify or "clean" the blood, and increase the efficiency of lymph glands, liver, and kidney to detoxify. (ex: Trifolium pratense, Allium sativum, Allium tricoccum)

What is an alterative?


Cute, slow swimming balloons of the subtropics, carrying tetrodotoxin, a toxin 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide, with one holding enough poison to be lethal to 30 humans!

What are pufferfish?


The surname Kellogg comes from Kyllehog, meaning pork butcher, and can trace its origins to the country of this city which lies west of the capital city, Edinburgh, in the county of Lanarkshire.

What is Glasgow?


This phenolic aldehyde can be extracted from oak barrels into whiskey and rum but is most known for being found in its namesake plant, a vining orchid native to Mexico.

What is vanillin?


Now you can find them hosting a talk show, but in 2002, this person became a famous popstar after winning the very first American Idol contest.

Who is Kelly Clarkson?


Urtication is using the medicinal plant, Urtica dioica to sting the skin which eventually causes an anti-inflammatory response and relief from arthritic pain. These are two of the organic acids found in the stinger fluid on the hairs of the plant.

What are oxalic acid, formic acid, tartaric acid, malic acid, and acetic acid?


A type of cnidarian, meaning "sea nettle" in Greek, these beautiful creatures are called 'medusa' in their adult form, and some species can even turn back their biological clock!

What are jellyfish?


On his way to represent the lab at  the Ethnobiology Congress, Dr. K may ride a camel through this African city, the namesake of a very famous film from 1942.

What is Casablanca?


This stilbenoid (3,5,4'-trihydroxy-trans-stilbene) is a natural phenolic compound found in grapes and wine, known for its antioxidant, anti-aging, and anti-angiogenic effects.

What is resveratrol?


These were the highest grossing films of 2002: the second in a trilogy that took place in Middle Earth, and the second in a 7-movie series that took place at Hogwarts.

What is Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers, and Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets?
