Respond to this phrase as best you can in Spanish.
¿Cómo estás?
"Muy bien, gracias": Very well, thanks :D
"Así, así": So, so :|
"Mal": Bad :(
Mexico fought an 11 year war to finally gain its independence from this country in 1821.
This "hombre" directed and created the original star wars movies.
George Lucas
"Navidad" is 7 months away.
cinco menos dos = ____
Cinco de Mayo celebrates the Battle of Puebla, where in 1862 the Mexican army repelled an invasion attempt by this nation's forces.
The third "película" in the series is called Revenge of the ___.
In about 2000 days "MMXXX" will be the roman numeral that represents this "año".
This letter of the alphabet is the Spanish word for "and".
The first "Cinco de Mayo" celebration surprisingly took place not in Mexico, but this US state.
This is the word "I" in Spanish, and the first half of an iconic master jedi's name, green he is...
"Tres" years from now will the year of this animal. Hopefully 2027 will live up to it's name... the acronym ideally.
¡Feliz Cumpleaños! Is a celebratory phrase in Spanish that means this.
Happy Birthday!
During the Battle of Puebla, this President of the United States initially remained neutral supporting neither side due to the turmoil occurring in the US during the Civil War.
Abraham Lincoln
In the sequel trilogy (7-9) the "nombre" of this main character is also the word that means King in Spanish.
In 2026, Mexico, Canada, and the United States will be the hosting this international athletic event "juntos".
The World Cup
"Anaranjado" is the spanish word for this color.
The Battle of Puebla and the conflicts that followed nearly had grave consequences for the US as this French leader and general had plans to occupy Mexico and support the Confederacy in the Civil War.
Napoleon Bonapart
"Mil novecientos noventa y nueve" or the year Star Wars: The Phantom Menace was released...
Mexican Independence "Día", always occurs on the 16th of this month marking the date of the speech by Miguel Hidalgo that motivated citizens of Mexico to begin fighting for their country.