Nursery Rhymes
Baby True or False
Baby Traditions
Baby Numbers
Baby Movies

"Little Miss Muffet sat on her tuffet, eating her curds and..."

What is Whey


Newborns sleep for an average of 14 to 18 hours a day, typically in short bursts of 1 to 2 hours at a time.

What is .. True


What country's tradition involves:Confinement of the mother for a period of 30 days, ensuring that she is fed an appropriate and nutritious confinement diet, and making offerings to ancestors and deities.

A) India
B) South Korea
C) China
D) Peru

What is ....C) China


How many diapers does the average baby go through in their 1st year? 

A) 1,500
B) 2,200
C) 2,800
D) 3,200

What is ...B) 2,200


"My mama always said life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get." 

What is Forrest Gump


What did Peter Piper pick?

What is .. a peck of pickled peppers 


Babies are born with all their senses fully developed.

What is ... False. 

While babies are born with basic sensory abilities, such as hearing and taste, their senses continue to develop and refine over time. 

IN fact.. Newborns can only see objects that are 8-15 inches away from them.


What country's tradition involves: Announcing baby’s birth by placing a stuffed stork in a window facing the street so it looks like the stork just flew in make the delivery and serving “biscuits with mice”. Which are cookies with blue/pink licorice flavoured bits. 

A) England
B) Sweden
C) Germany
D) the Netherlands

What is.... D) the Netherlands


What is the world record for the weight of the heaviest baby? 

A) 11 lbs, 5 oz
B) 14 lbs, 8 oz
C) 18 lbs, 5 oz
D) 22 lbs, 8 oz

What is... D) 22 pounds, 8 ounces 

(a baby boy born in Aversa, Italy, in 1955)


"Nobody puts baby in a corner"

What is Dirty Dancing


Who jumped over a candlestick?

Who is.. Jack


In their 1st month, newborn babies produce tears specially formulated with enzymes found in mothers' milk. 

What is...False

Newborns do not produce tears in their 1st month - they only produce enough tears to lubricate and protect their eyes, so you won't see any excess tears rolling down their cheeks when they cry. Babies should develop actual teardrops between the ages of one and three months old.


What country's tradition: requires parents to name their newborn according to the approved list of names included in the country’s National Register of Persons. 

A) Iceland
B) Sweden
C) Germany
D) the Netherlands

What is... A) Iceland


What is the average age that babies start rolling over?

A) 3 months
B) 4 months
C) 5 months
D) 6 months

What is ...B) 4 months of age


"You is Kind. You is Smart. You is Important"

What is The Help


 Who ran away in the Mother Goose nursery rhyme: "Hey, diddle, diddle"

A) the cat
B) the little dog
C) the dish
D) the cow

Who is .. C) the dish 


Babies are born without kneecaps

What is ...True. 

Babies are born with cartilage in place of kneecaps, which gradually ossify into bone over the first few years of life.


What country's tradition involves: shaving a baby's head for its 1st haircut, meant to take away any bad luck left over from past lives and signifies a bright future ahead? A little tuft of hair is usually left at the top to protect the baby’s memory!

A) China
B) Morocco
C) India
D) Japan

What is ... C) India


At what age does a baby double its birth weight?

A) 2 months
B) 3 months
C) 5 months
D) 6 months

What is ... C) 5 months 


"There are no rules in this house. I'm not like a regular mom. I'm a cool mom"

What is Mean Girls


Who were the three men in a tub?

Who are.... the butcher, the baker, the candlestick maker 


Babies are born with almost 50% more bones than an adult.

What is True

Babies are born with 300 bones while adults have 206 The reason? A number of these bones fuse together during the first several years, bringing the total bones down to 206.


In what country's tradition is it common for new moms (and babies) to spend several weeks at a special postpartum care centre with nurse, nutritionist, chef, exercise, massage and skin care team.

A) Japan
B) Canada
C) Spain
D) South Korea

What is ...D) South Korea


At what age does a baby give a real, "non-gassy" smile?

A) 2 weeks
B) 1 month
C) 2 months
D) 3 months

What is... B) 1 month


"Yeah baby!"

What is Austin Powers
