
Three hundred forty six rounded to the nearest ten.

What is three hundred fifty?


A closed shape with no curved lines

What is a polygon?


Find the answer to 6 x 3 ÷ 3.

What is six?


$1.56 +$9.99.

Find out how much money there is.

What is $11.55?


Seven times twelve.

What is eighty four?


 Two thousand, nine hundred, twenty six rounded to the nearest hundred.

What is two thousand, nine hundred?


Polygons with four sides and four angles

What is Quadrilateral?


60 x 6÷2

What is 180?


Find the answer to the question: One hundred and eight times ninety five.

What is six thousand, two hundred and sixty?


Solve the question: One hundred and eight times ninety five. 

What is six thousand, two hundred and sixty?


Three hundred, forty three thousand, one hundred twenty five rounded to the nearest thousand

What is three hundred, forty three thousand?


Sarah drew  shapes on the board. It has one right angle and two acute angles.She also drew a shape with no parallel sides, no right angle, and it is not a polygon.

Find what shapes she drew.

What is an right triangle and circle?


Sarah had 12 boxes. In each box, she has 4 flowers. She put 6 flowers in each vase she has. Find how many vases Sarah filled.

What is 8 vases?


Sam had 100.00 he bought a table for 89.99. 

Find out how much money he has left.

What is 10.01?


Jonny boy an his three best friends went to walmart. Each of them bought a box of goldfish. Each box had 28 bags of goldfish. Identify how much bags three people had in total.

What is 84 bags of goldfish?


A garden has 18 boxes of flowers. Each box has 7 flowers. Each flower has 6 petals. Identify the amount of petals that are there in total rounded to the nearest hundereds. 

What is eight hundred petals?


Ananya was bored so she drew two figures. The first figure has at least one right angle, one set of parallel sides, and one acute angle. The second figure has no right angles, no parallel sides, and has one or more obtuse angles. Identify the shapes Ananya drew.

What is an right trapizoid and an pentagon?


Riya went to the store with her friend. She bought 30 boxes of decorations for $2.29 each. Riya's friend, Fiona, bought 83 more boxes of decoration. Identify how much money Fiona spent.

What is $73.20?


Neera had 50.56. She bought a toy for 10.66. Then, she bought another toy for 30.48. Then she bought another toy for 10.78.

Find out how much money she has left.

What is $29.12?


Mrs.Yu, Mrs. Balaji, Mrs.Acree, Mrs.Mckerly, Mrs.Tran, and Mrs.Melson all went shopping. Each of them spent  $28.37 for groceries. Find the total amount of money spent.

What is $170.22?


Saira, Mia, and Ananya go to a amusement park. Each of them got $50 to spend on snacks. Saira bought a box of cookies for $10.00, Mia bought sour patch for $8.00, and Ananya bought a packet of cotton candy for $9.00. What is the best estimate of the total amount of money they spent rounded to the nearest tens.

What is $30.00?


Bob and Mary drews some shapes. Mary drew two and Bob also drew two. Both the shapes Mary drew have no parallel lines. Both the shapes Bob drew have two sets of parallel lines.  All of the shapes have no right angles, one or more obtuse angles. Find Which four shapes could be the ones they drew.

What is a pentagon, triangle, rhombus, and parallelogram?


Venessa bought 6 apples, her sister got 3 times more than Venessa. Then they put all their apples in 9 baskets.

Find out how many apples they put in each basket.

What is 2 apples?


Mr.Beast´s friend has has 58 feastable bars. Each of them cost $0.89. Mr.Beast has twice as much bars as his friend. Find how many bars Mr.Beast and his friend have.

What is 174 bars?


Ms.Yu gave a box of pencils to everyone in her class. Each box has 8 pencils. She has 22 people in her class. 13 people in her class have only 7 pencils. MsYu has twice as much as pencils her class has in total. Identify the amount of pencils Ms.Yuand her class have in total.

What is 489 pencils?
