Who is the greatest geographer and cartographer of the Muslim world?
Abu Abdullah Al Idrisi
Who were the Abbasids?
They were descendants of the Prophet's Uncle Abbas.
Who was the founder of the Mongol Empire?
Genghis Khan
What was the name of the Abbasid Caliph who rejected Hulagu's demand to surrender ?
Al Mustasim or Al Maamun
Al Mustasim
How many people were killed by the Mongols ?
90000 - 1 Million
Why was Al Idrisi's map of the world special?
It set an example for future maps.
What were the Abbasids famous for ?
Advancements in Science, algebra, trigonometry
Was it Mongke or Hulagu that planned the destruction of Baghdad?
In what year did the seiege occur?
January 1258
What is the name of the river that turned red with the blood of the massacres ?
What was the name of the sicilian king who commissioned Al Idrisi to create a map ?
King Roger
Abbasid rulers, believed to be God's shadow on Earth, were known as
Why were the Mongols victorious in their conquests?
They were fearless warriors.
What is the name of Hulagu's brother?
Why did the River Tigris turn black.
The books from the HOuse of Wisdom were dumped by the hundreds of thousands were dumped into the river.
What was the final project of Al Idrisis map called by King Roger?/
Plan of the World
Who stood between the caliph and the people, running the government?
Which cities did Hulago plan to conquer after Baghdad?
Syria and Palestine
What was the name of the sicilian king who commissioned Al Idrisi to create a map ?
King Roger
What was the name of the great library that was the pride of the Abbasid dynasty?
The House of Wisdom
What was the most important contribution that Al Idrisi's map has made towards the development of modern maps?
Location or Navigation
What was the capital city of the Abbasid Caliphate up until 1258 CE?
Which religious community was spared by the Mongols ?
When did the Mongols attack Baghdad?
February 10, 1258
Why did this disaster befall the Ummah ?
Muslim rulers had become tyrannical and unjust.