Cold War to 1960
Back in the USSR
China, North Korea and the Cold War
The Indochina Wars and their Aftermath
The End of the Cold War

In response to Stalin sealing off West Berlin from aid, the Allied Airforce supplied West Berlin through round the clock air missions. The name of this mission was this.

What is the Berlin Airlift?


In response to NATO, the USSR forced its satellite states to join this alliance in 1955.

What was the Warsaw Pact?


In 1949, this Chinese Communist leader won against Chinese Nationalist Party leader Jiang Kai Shek (or Jiang Jieshi), turning China Communist.

Who is Mao Ze Dong?


These were guerilla communist operatives in South Vietnam, supported by the North Vietnamese during the Vietnam War.

Who were the Viet Cong?


In 1989, this hated symbol of the cold war separating East and West Germany was destroyed.

What was the Berlin Wall?


In 1959, this charismatic young lawyer turned guerilla leader took over Cuba, turning it communist.

Who is Fidel Castro?


The Soviet Union implemented this kind of agriculture, which remained so unproductive they had to import grain to feed their people.

What is collectivism (or collectivized agriculture)?


This movement for constant revolution through the destroying of the "Four Olds" and rooting out any bourgeois tendencies really just deteriorated into mass anarchy with Chinese youths denouncing teachers, their parents and each other. Up to a million are thought to have died.

What was the Cultural Revolution?


The US supported the unpopular Diem government in South Vietnam and Syngman Rhee government in South Korea because of this theory that if one government in an area falls to communism, nearby governments will as well.

What is domino theory?


This Soviet leader came to power in 1985, instituting democratic reforms that many think led to the end of the Soviet Union.

Who is Mikhail Gorbachev?


In 1949, this military alliance pledged to come to the defense of one another if one member was attacked.

What is NATO (National Atlantic Treaty Organization?)


The Soviet Union (and other communist countries) have this kind of economy, where government bureaucracies determine what to produce.

What is a command economy?


In this failed attempt to collectivize agriculture and increase industrial output, up to 55 million Chinese people are believed to have been killed or starved to death in a mass famine.

What was the Great Leap Forward?


This was an treaty between North Vietnam, the Viet Cong, and the US in 1973, ending US involvement in the Second Indochina War.

What were the Paris Peace Accords?


In this country, ethnic tensions caused a civil war and genocide following the dissolution of the Soviet Union. 

What is Bosnia?


To prevent communism from spreading, a US Senator suggested this program of financial aid to Western Europe.

What is the Marshall Plan?


In the 1970s, in response to growing fears of the nuclear arms' race, Soviet and American leaders used this strategy to ease tensions and lower nuclear stockpiles.

What is detente?

To protect South Korea from Kim Il Sung's North Korean army, this group sent troops to fight in a "police action" that has not been officially resolved to this day.

What is the UN (United Nations?)


This group took over Cambodia in 1975, turning it communist and setting off one of the worst genocides in history wherein up to 1/4 of all Cambodian people were thought to have died or been killed by the regime.

Who were the Khmer Rouge?


These terms, meaning "openness" and "restructuring" were reforms implemented by Gorbachev to allow freedom of the press/of speech and some economic and political reforms.

What is glasnost and perestroika?


This man famously compared the dividing line in Europe between Soviet-dominated East and the US-allied West to an "Iron Curtain.

Who is Winston Churchill?


In 1962, this Soviet leader persuaded Castro to build nuclear missiles in Cuba, provoking the Cuban Missile Crisis.

Who is Nikita Krushchev?


In the 1970s, this US President decided to reestablish relations with "Red China" to drive a wedge between China and the Soviet Union.

Who is Richard Nixon?


DAILY DOUBLE!! The French finally surrendered to the Vietnamese in this city in 1954, ending the First Indochina War.

What is Dien Bien Phu?


This Polish leader of the union movement Solidarity was instrumental in Poland's independence and was the president in the country's first free elections in 50 years in 1989.

Who was Lech Walesa?
