B. Be kind and respectful.
E. Excellent effort in all you do.
S. Stay safe.
T. Take responsibility.
Moeller's Classroom

What does be kind and respectful in the hallways look like? 

  • Follow directions the first time

  • Listen to others before you join in 

  • Collaborate & help others 

  • Use appropriate language & voice level 0-2


What does ecellent effort in the bathroom look like? 

Use, flush, wash, leave


What does stay safe in the hallways look like? 

  • Walk on the right side of the hallway

  • Report concerns to an adult

  • Keep hands, feel, & other objects to yourself


What does take responsibility for your lockers look like?

Keep your locker space free from trash and clutter.  


What are the steps for asking to use the restroom in Mr. Moeller's class?

Be sitting at your seat, check to see if bathroom pass is there, cross fingers in air at level zero, when called on put pass around your neck and leave classroom quietly.


What does be kind and respectful at an assembly look like? 

  • Eyes and listening ears are on presenter/event

  • Clap at the conclusion

  • Use appropriate language & voice level 0-2


What does excellent effort in the hallway look like? 

  • Wait your turn

  • Always carry a pass

  • Take care of needs and return directly to class


What does stay safe outside look like?

  • Report concerns to an adult

  • Keep hands, feet, and other objects to yourself


What does take responsibility in the hallways look like?

  • Keep hallways clean

  • Reflect on effect of choices on self & others


When you hear the bell what does that mean?

Transition, level zero, back to seat, computers away/closed, listen to teachers directions.


What does be kind and respectful on a school bus look like?

  • Use kind words when talking with others

  • See the best in others

  • Help others when needed

  • Listen to and follow directions from the driver

  • Use appropriate language & voice  level 0-2


What does excellent effort for your lockers look like? 

Keep locker closed and locked.


What does stay safe in the bathrooms look like?

Report concerns to an adult


What does take responsibility for technology look like?

  • Use your school issue technology when instructed and for academic purpose

  • Plug your device in daily


When do we line up in line order?

Leaving the classroom to Mrs. Mumm's, lunch, and core +.


What does be kind and respectful in the lunchroom look like?

  • Invite others to join your conversation

  • Use appropriate language and voice level 0-2

  • Help others when needed


What does excellent effort for technology look like?

  • Stay on task, listen, and follow directions 

  • Be gentle when touching the screen or the keys


What does stay safe in the classroom look like?

  • Report concerns to an adult

  • Keep hands, feet, & other objects to yourself


What does take responsibility for an assembly look like?

  • Clean up after yourself

  • Follow requests of the event leader


What does our end of the day rotuine look like?

Stack chairs when group is called on, classroom jobs then put materials in locker, secret scrap, early busers/walkers at my door, late busers at Mrs. Mumm's. 


What does be kind and respectful in the classroom look like?

  • Follow directions the first time

  • Listen to others before you join in 

  • Collaborate & help others 

  • Use appropriate language & voice level 0-2


What does excellent effort in the classroom look like?

  • Transition promptly to new activities

  • Complete homework and tasks on time

  • Give effort that you are proud of on assignments and assessments


What does stay safe in the lunchroom look like?

  • Raise your hand when you need help or to get out of your seat

  • Keep hands, feet, and food to yourself


What is take responsibility in the classroom look like? 

  • Ask for help when you need it

  • Bring all materials to class

  • Ask permission to leave

  • Pick up after yourself

  • Reflect on effect of choices on self & others


What is Mr. Moeller's biggest Pet Peeve?

Side conversations during whole group and seeing students not give their best effort.
