What is Lily and Benelli (Nelli)
What number is the only number to have the same amount of letters as its value?
What is 4 (four)
You collect 48 pieces of Halloween candy. Your parents say you can eat two pieces per day, plus an extra piece on Saturdays and Sundays. How many weeks will it take to finish all of your candy?
What is 3 weeks.
What is Mrs. Freeseman's first name?
What is Brian.
What are the three color teams in middle school?
What is maroon, gold, platinum
How old is Mrs. Hoium?
What is 34
When looking at a dice, The opposite sides will always add up to what?
What is 7.
What is the main character in a story called?
What is a Protagonist.
How many kids does Mrs. Hoeppner have?
What is 2.
What are the school hours?
What is 8:30 am – 3:45 pm
What Grades are Mrs. Hoium's Daughters in now?
What is kindergarten and 4th Grade.
What is the only letter of the alphabet not used in ANY US. States name?
If a shopping cart contains one apple, two bananas, three oranges, and four hot dogs, what percentage of the cart’s total contents is fruit?
What is 60%
What are Mrs. Sadler's girls names? (2)
What is Charlotte and Clair
How many class periods are there in middles school? (Not counting advisory/homeroom)
What is 8
Daily Double!!
Name one of Mrs. Hoium's Nieces or Nephews?
What is Hunter, Drake, Willow, Teddy, Isabelle, William, Aiden, Bryce.
Play-doh was originally used for what??
What is wallpaper cleaner
How long does it take the moon to orbit Earth:
24 hours, 365 days (1 Year) ,or one month
What is One month.
How long has Mrs. Hoium and Mrs. Sadler been working together?
What is 4 years.
Who is the principal at Parkview?
Who is Ben Huebsch
What school does Mrs. Hoium's daughters go to?
What is Crocker Elementary?
Arithmophobia is the fear of what?
What is Numbers!
If a car is traveling at 40 mph, how long will it take to go 190 miles?
What is 4 hrs and 45 minutes.
What town does Mrs. Hoeppner live in?
What is Waukee.
Who will you miss the most when you go to middle school. (There is only one correct answer)
What is Mrs. Hoium