The benchmark fraction of 24/32
What is 3/4?
The meaning of sum
What is the answer to an addition problem?
A symmetry
What is a two dimensional shape that is divided by a line that creates mirror images?
What is a two dimensional shape that is closed with at least 3 sides?
Something bigger than a cute angle but smaller than an obtuse angle.
What is a 90 degree angle or right angle?
5/6 + 10/6 - 3/6
What is 12/6 or 2?
What is a answer to an subtraction problem?
The symmetry of H, Q, K, J.
What is H?
A regular polygon
What is a polygon congruent sides and angles?
Acute isosceles triangle
What is a triangle with two sides of equal length with three a cute angles?
Lake had 9/18 of a pizza. John has 1/2. Max said they have unequal pizzas. Do you agree or disagree?
What is disagree?
What is a number from which another amount will be subtracted?
The shapes that are symmetrical
What is Circle, rectangle square, etc?
Non-regular polygon
What is a polygon in which not all sides and angles have equal measures?
Unknown angle
What is an amount that has not been calculated or answered?
A mixed fraction
What is a number that is composed of a whole number and a fraction?
What is a number that is being subtracted?
What is Asymmetry
The lack of equality between parts or aspects of something
What is a polygon that has seven sides?
What is Estimate
What is a approximate amount?
A unit fraction.
What is a fraction that has a numerator of 1?
What is a process in which specific steps are followed to answer?
Glide reflection symmetry
What is a symmetry that follows a pattern of transformations?
What is a ten sided polygon?
A right scalene triangle
What is a triangle with two sides of equal length one right angle and two acute angles?