This is someone with whom a member has chosen to share intimately and can identify with he/she.

Who is a sponsor? 

pg. 45  Al-Anon Service Manual


We found our "Personal Recovery" working through these.

What is achieved through the 12-steps?  

pg. 13  Al-Anon Service Manual


We found "Unity of the Groups" when we worked these tools.

What is achieved through the Traditions? 


pg. 13      Al-Anon Service Manual


It goes by WSO and is the headquarters for the world-wide fellowship of Al-Anon and Alateen.

What is the World Service Office?  

pg. 170 Al-Anon Service Manual


It says "When anyone, anywhere, reaches out for help, let the hand of Al-Anon and Alateen always be there, and--Let It Begin With Me".  

What is the Al-Anon Declaration, Let It Begin With Me?

pg. 3  Al-Anon Service Manual


It is called CAL.

What is Conference Approved Literature?

pg. 61 Al-Anon Service Manual


We learn early in the program about "A conscious contact", a "spiritual connectedness".

What is a Higher Power of my understanding?     

 pg. 13  A Little Time for Myself


This twelve step work is achieved through example, sharing at meetings, sponsoring, and public outreach. 

How is the Al-Anon message carried

pg. 63 How Al-Anon Works


This is read in the beginning of a meeting and prior to reading the 12 steps.

What is the suggested Al-Anon Preamble? 

pg.12 Al-Anon Service Manual


Tradition 3 helps us know if we belong in Al-Anon by stating:  "that there be a problem of alcoholism in a relative or a friend".  

What is the only requirement for membership in Al-Anon?  

pg. 37 Al-Anon Service Manual


In 1996, the WSO relocated from New York City to its present day location.  

What is Virginia Beach, Virginia? 

pg. 16 Service Manual


This practice within the meetings keeps us all safe and "unifies us by removing individual status". 

What is Anonymity?

pg. 236 Paths to Recovery?  


This prayer grants me serenity, through acceptance, courage, and wisdom. 

What is the Serenity Prayer?

pg. 10 Al-Anon Service Manual


 The acronym for this self-care is HALT.

What is hungry, angry, lonely, or tired?

pg. 91 How Al-Anon Works 


This is the length of service for group, district, and area positions.  

What is a three year term?  

pg. 154 Al-Anon Service Manual


This "shared" step helps us to learn that we are not so unique in our disease, where we learn about the "nature of our wrongs".  

What is Step 5?  

pg. 266  Courage to Change


It states: "Each Al-Anon Family Group has but one purpose: to help families of alcoholics".  

What is Tradition 5? 


pg.14, Al-Anon Service Manual


These are some of the services WSO will provide for your group:  post your meeting information for those who seek and keep your group connected via communications.     

Why is it beneficial to register your Al-Anon group with WSO?  

pg.27  Al-Anon Service Manual


It is the "will of the group", where concerns are voiced, where all members are heard, a unanimity vote is passed, and the group supports the decision. 

What is a group conscious?

pg. 48 Al-Anon Service Manual


This has been the most published piece of literature as of today and was introduced at the 2023 International Convention in Albuquerque, New Mexico.

What is A Little Time For Myself?

Spring 2024 Area World Service Committee Minutes, (AWSC) March 16, 2024


They are called the three "C's".

What is "I didn't cause alcoholism.  I can't control it. And I can't cure it"? 

pg. 74 and 214 Courage to Change


This "Helps to keep the group healthy and invigorated". 

What is a "group inventory"?         

pg. 49 Al-non Service Manual


We learn about "Who we think we are, who we want others to believe we are, and who we really are," our useful and not so useful character traits. 

What is working Step 4? 

pg. 73-83  Blueprint for Progress


These are the three ways in which each Al-Anon Family Group helps families of alcoholics. 

What is "We do this by practicing the Twelve Steps of AA ourselves, by encouraging and understanding our alcoholic relatives, and by welcoming and giving comfort to families of alcoholics?

pg. 14 Al-Anon Service Manual


This service position member's sole responsibility is to receive  Al-Anon mail from the WSO and disseminate it to the group.

Who is the CMA, Current Mailing Address? 

pg.73  Al-Anon Service Manual


They are discussion of religion, gossip, and dominance. 

What are the three obstacles to success in Al-Anon?

pg. 20-21, Al-Anon Service Manual 


"But it is their very simplicity that makes them so powerful. Some of them are: "But For The Grace Of God", and "How Important Is It".

What are the slogans?

pg. 66-76 How Al-Anon Works 


This tool that can be used with enmeshment  and "we lose the sense of where we leave off and the alcoholic begins".

What is having personal boundaries?  

pg 81 How Al-Anon Works 


These are Al-Anon's Guidelines for Service.

What are the Concepts?  

pg. 16  Al-Anon Service Manual


"Ahha" moments will vary with everyone, such as, finding inner peace", "moments of appreciation for little things", "acting spontaneously instead of with fearful control".

What are spiritual awakenings as mentioned in Step 12?  


pg. 119 Paths to Recovery


It is stated in Tradition 4 that "The members themselves are free to create an atmosphere and an agenda that will best suite their own needs" as long as it does not affect another group.

What is the meaning of autonomy?  

pg. 112-113  How Al-Anon Works 


Some of them are: In The Loop sent out monthly, The Forum subscription available monthly, and Today's Reflection subscription found through its mobile app. 

What are the publications sent from the WSO?

pg. 62  Service Manual


This is about "comparing myself to others" and "focusing on how others seemed to be grasping the program more quickly than I ".

What is " I can't judge my insides by other people's outsides?  

pg. 44  Courage to Change


We do this with our attitudes in order to aid recovery.

What is change them? 

pg. 12 Suggested Al-Anon Preamble to the Twelve Steps


They are Awareness, Acceptance, and Action. 

What are the three "A's" in Al-Anon?

pg. 92 Courage to. Change 


This service tool "protects the minority voice and insures that they be heard".

What is the Fifth Concept of Service?   

pg.  133-134  How Al-Anon Works 


The action of this step is impossible "Without true unconditional acceptance of Step 3". 

What is Step 6?   

pg. 65  Paths Recovery.


The slogan "Live and Let Live" is the spiritual principle underlying this Tradition. It reminds us that as a "group" we cannot support any outside issue.

What is Tradition 10?

pg. 222 Paths to Recovery


They include: answers the toll-free meeting line in English, Spanish and French, shares the Al-Anon message with professionals, and publishes CAL. 

What are some of the services offered by the World Service Office? 

Back page of the May 2024 Quarterly Appeal


We may become 'sicker' when "we hide the truth at all costs" because we think that no one else understands.

What does it mean to be as "sick as our secrets"?

pg. 35 How Al-Anon Works 


This is one obstacle to our serenity in which we attach "our well-being to a particular action or outcome". 

What are "Expectations"?

pg. 81  How Al-Anon Works


Simply put, "it means to separate ourselves emotionally and spiritually from other people".  We try it with Love.

What is "Detachment"? 

pg. 84-85  How Al-Anon Works 


This is a special relationship with another member who shares his/her service experience.

Who is a Service Sponsor?  

pg. 45 Al-Anon Service Manual


In Hope for Today, March 14th, the passage describes the four "UP's" as they relate to the twelve steps.  

What is Giving Up--steps 1,2,3  Owning Up--steps 4,5,6  Making Up--steps 7,8,9, and Keeping Up--steps 10,11,12?    

pg74  Hope For Today


We can also support the groups with service. We can support ourselves physically, emotionally, mentally and spiritually. Its not only financially.  

What is self-supporting as stated in Tradition 7?

p. 95 Reaching for Personal Freedom p.187 Hope for Today                   


The set-up is "an Executive Director with assistance provided by a staff of paid employees, volunteer Chairmen of selected committees, and other Volunteers."

What is the structure of the World Service Office, WSO?   


pg.171 Al-Anon Service Manual


This is the year that Alateen was started.

What is 1957?

pg. 25 Al-Anon Service Manual 


The most recent daily reader is published in these three languages.

What is English, Spanish, and French?

pg. inside cover of A Little Time For Myself.


They are: 1. honesty, 2. hope, 3. faith, 4. courage,    5. integrity, 6. willingness, 7. humility, 8. love,           9. discipline, 10. perseverance, 11. spirituality, and   12. service .

What are the principles embodied in each of the steps?     

Al-Anouncer September 2023
