Define Astrology
Practice of using stars to see how they affect life on earth
Who was Al Biruni?
Famous mathematician and astronomer who discovered that math equations are like balancing.
Name a center of learning established by our current imam?
What is medicine made of?
What is the arabic word used to descctibe a person who calls people for prayers?
Who was Al Khzawizni???
Important scientist at Bayt Al Hikma who discovered Algebra!
What is the Bayt Al Hikma?
House of Wisdom
What is a celestial globe?
It was a map of the stars!
define astronomy
study of the stars
Who was Abu Ali Ibn Sina?
He created significant medical work and was known as the Prince of Physicianns
Name 2 places of learning that were created by Fatimad Iman Caliphs
Dar al ilm and Mosque of Al Azhar
What is the Qibla?
Direction of Mecca
What is Bayt al Hikma???
House of Wisdom!
Who was Hippocrates???
Greek doctor who was the "father of medicine " because he was the first one to use medicine to treat illness.
Where was the Mansuri hospital built?
What tradition does a Qawwali originate from?
Sufi tradition
What does Al jabr mean
Bringing back order
Who was Jabir Ibn Hayyan?
The student of Iman Jafir Al Sadiq who was known for his expiriments.
Which observatory that Nasir al din Tusi make?
Maragha observatory
What is a Qasidah?
Poetry in praise of the Imam