
Which of the following would be most important for a nurse to educate the adolescent about?

A. Motor vehicle Safety

B. Diabetes prevention

C. Sports injuries

D. Plane crashes

A. Motor vehicle Safety


A 70-year-old client asks the nurse to explain to her about hypertension. An appropriate response by the nurse as to why older clients often have hypertension is due to:

A. Myocardial muscle damage

B. Reduction in physical activity

C. Ingestion of foods high in sodium

D. Accumulation of plaque on arterial walls

D. Accumulation of plaque on arterial walls


A 62-year-old male patient with disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) after urosepsis has a platelet count of 48,000/μL. The nurse should assess the patient for which abnormality?

A. Pain

B. Purpura

C. Pruritus

D. Palpitation

B. Purpura


While assessing a pediatric client's laboratory results, the nurse notes a high eosinophil count. Which diagnosis should the nurse anticipate based on this laboratory result?

A. Allergies

B. Lyme disease

C. Salmonella

D. Rubella

A. Allergies


 The patient is in Buck's traction for a fractured femur. What should the nurse do to minimize any muscle spasms of the affected leg?

a. Apply traction gradually, gently, and completely.

b. Assess the affected leg with the "four Ps" criterion.

c. Eliminate potential pressure points from the traction.

d. Ensure unobstructed countertraction to the patient's pelvis

a. Apply traction gradually, gently, and completely.


Any combination of planned experiences based on sound theories that provide individuals, groups, and communities the opportunity to acquire the information and skills needed to make quality health decisions is known as:

A. health promotion.

B. health counseling.

C. health education.

D. health knowledge.

C. health education.


Which of the following interventions should be taken to help an older client to prevent osteoporosis?

A. Decrease dietary calcium intake.

B. Increase sedentary lifestyles

C. Increase dietary protein intake.

D. Encourage regular exercise.

D. Encourage regular exercise.


In assessing the patient, which abnormal finding should the nurse relate to hemostasis abnormalities?

A. Purpura

B. Pruritus

C. Weakness

D. Pale conjunctiva

A. Purpura


Which item should the nurse include in a focused immune system assessment? (Select all the apply)

A. Assess the genitourinary system

B. Inspect the mucous membrane

C. Observe for fatigue and weakness

D. Assess the musculoskeletal system

E. Observe skin color, moisture, and temperature

B., C., D., E.


Which of the following should the nurse complete prior to assessing the abdomen of a 35-year-old man?

a) Ask the client to empty his bladder.

b) Dim the lights for privacy.

c) Prepare for a prostate examination.

d) Assist the client to a Fowler's position.

a) Ask the client to empty his bladder.


The nurse is assessing the extrinsic motivational levels of a patient following a knee replacement surgery. What behaviors would indicate that the patient is extrinsically motivated? (Select all that apply):

A. Agrees to take blood thinners as prescribed because that is what the doctor has ordered.

B. Verbalizes an understanding of taking blood thinners postoperatively to reduce the risk of clotting.

C. Knows that exercise and physical therapy will help recovery to take place more quickly.

D. Enjoys exercise and physical therapy and asks for pamphlets to learn about rehabilitation techniques.

A., B., C.


The nurse is caring for a client who is receiving intravenous (IV) magnesium sulfate. Which assessment parameter is critical?

A. Monitoring 24-hour urine output

B. Asking the client about feeling depressed

C. Assessing the blood pressure hourly

D. Monitoring the serum calcium levels

C. Assessing the blood pressure hourly


A client with pernicious anemia asks why she must take vitamin B12 injections for the rest of her life. What is the nurse's best response?

a. "The reason for your vitamin deficiency is an inability to absorb the vitamin because the stomach is not producing sufficient acid."

b. "The reason for your vitamin deficiency is an inability to absorb the vitamin because the stomach is not producing sufficient intrinsic factor."

c. "The reason for your vitamin deficiency is an excessive excretion of the vitamin because of kidney dysfunction."

d. "The reason for your vitamin deficiency is an increased requirement for the vitamin because of rapid red blood cell production."

a. "The reason for your vitamin deficiency is an inability to absorb the vitamin because the stomach is not producing sufficient acid."


The nurse is caring for a client newly diagnosed with seasonal allergic rhinitis. The client is experiencing rhinorrhea, water eyes, and itchy throat. Which prescribed initial treatment does the nurse anticipate?

A. Inhaled corticosteroids

B. Antihistamine

C. Antibiotic

D. Oral steroids

B. Antihistamine


A nurse is caring for a patient who is acutely ill and has included vigilant oral care in the patient's plan of care. Why are patients who are ill at increased risk for developing dental caries?

a. Hormonal changes brought on by the stress response cause an acidic oral environment

b. Systemic infections frequently migrate to the teeth

c. Hydration that is received intravenously lacks fluoride

d. Inadequate nutrition and decreased saliva production can cause cavities

d. Inadequate nutrition and decreased saliva production can cause cavities


Examples of primary prevention strategies include:

a. colonoscopy at age 50

b. avoidance of tobacco products

c. intake of a diet low in saturated fat in a patient with high cholesterol

d. teaching the importance of exercise to a patient with hypertension

b. avoidance of tobacco products


A client with hypermagnesemia is seen in the emergency department (ED). Which of these interventions is most appropriate?

A. Monitor for hyperactive reflexes

B. prepare for endotracheal intubation

C. Institute teaching on avoiding magnesium rich foods

D. Place the client on a cardiac monitor

D. Place the client on a cardiac monitor


A patient is admitted to the hospital with idiopathic aplastic anemia. Which of these

collaborative problems will the nurse include when developing the care plan?

a. Potential complication: seizures

b. Potential complication: infection

c. Potential complication: neurogenic shock

d. Potential complication: pulmonary edema

b. Potential complication: infection


The client diagnosed with RA who has been prescribed Plaquenil, shows marked improvement. Which instruction regarding the use of this medication should the nurse teach?

a. Explain that the less medication loses its efficacy after a few months

b. Continue to have regular eye exams while taking the medication

c. Have yearly MRIs to follow the progress

d. Discuss that the drug is taken for 3 weeks and then stopped for a week

b. Continue to have regular eye exams while taking the medication


A nurse is completing a health history on a patient whose diagnosis is chronic gastritis. Which of the data should the nurse consider most significantly related to the etiology of the patient's health problem?

A) Consumes one or more protein drinks daily.

B) Takes over-the-counter antacids frequently throughout the day.

D) Reports a history of social drinking on a weekly basis.

C) Smokes one pack of cigarettes daily.


A characteristic of a chronic illness is that (select all that apply):

a. has reversible pathologic changes

b. has a consistent, predictable clinical course

c. results in permanent deviation from normal

d. is associated with many stable and unstable phases

e. always starts with an acute illness and then progresses slowly

C., D., E.


A 30-year-old patient has undergone a splenectomy as a result of injuries suffered in a motor vehicle accident. Which phenomena are likely to result from the absence of the patient's spleen (select all that apply)?

A. Impaired fibrinolysis

B. Increased platelet levels

C. Increased eosinophil levels

D. Fatigue and cold intolerance

E. Impaired immunologic function

B. Increased platelet levels

E. Impaired immunologic function


An adult patients abnormal complete blood count (CBC) and physical assessment have prompted the primary care provider to order a diagnostic workup for Hodgkin lymphoma. The presence of what assessment finding is considered diagnostic of the disease?

A) Schwann cells

B) Reed-Sternberg cells

C) Lewy bodies

D) Loops of Henle

B) Reed-Sternberg cells


The client presents to the emergency department with fever, chills, restlessness, and limited movement of a fractured jaw. The nurse interprets these findings as indicating which of the following complications?

a) Fat embolism

b) Avascular necrosis

c) Osteomyelitis

d) Compartment syndrome

c) Osteomyelitis


A nurse is caring for a patient hospitalized with an exacerbation of chronic gastritis. What health promotion topic should the nurse emphasize?

A) Strategies for maintaining an alkaline gastric environment

B) Safe technique for self-suctioning

C) Techniques for positioning correctly to promote gastric healing

D) Strategies for avoiding irritating foods and beverages

D) Strategies for avoiding irritating foods and beverages
