-manifestations on the tumor site
-s/s: weight loss, change in appetite, mass, lump in abd/chest, hepatosplenomegaly, bowel/bladder distention, BONE PAIN WITH METS
what is neuroblastoma
woven bone, "sun burst" pattern
what is shown on osteosarcoma x-ray
people dealing and starting to grieve loss before it has happened
anticipatory grieving
-right to left
-increase in deoxygenated blood into body
-causing cyanosis
tetralogy of fallot (TOF)
try and repair shunt by 1 year
extra cranial solid tumor
what is the most common neuroblastoma
-leukocoria in the eye
-vision changes, pain, pressure
what is retinoblastoma
Five Stages of grieving
-left to right
-leaks oxygenated blood back into heard increasing pressure
-pulmonary hypertension, heart failure are biggest worries
Ventricular septal defect (VSD)
-extreme episode of cyanosis
-cyanosis and low oxygen sats
what is a tet spell
-cancerous WBC in bone marrow
-s/s: bone pain, petechiae, high fever, fatigue
what is leukemia
prevent any further damage of eye and vision, PROTECT THE EYE
-grief that cannot be openly acknowledged socially but still makes the person terribly upset
disenfranchised greif
close surgically if big
What is treatment for VSD
knees to chest
-morphine to calm child down
what is treatment of tet spell
preventing sepsis, and preventing infection and sickness while on chemo and treatment
-asymptomatic until diagnosis
-also known as nephroblastoma
-abdominal tumor starts at kidney and decreases renin production
-can metastasis to lungs, lymphs, brain, bone
what is wilmes tumor
-death of fetus after 20 weeks
-absense of fetal tones must be confirmed with ultrasound
-let mom spend time with baby as long as possible
-intrauterine fetal demise
failure to thrive
what is biggest complication of heart defects
digoxin for arrhythmia
diuretics for fluid overload
ace inhibit for high b.p
what is med for TOF and VSD
-tumor in the growth plate
s/s: pain, swelling, limp, fractures
what is osteosarcoma
never palpate the abdomen
what is golden rule for wilmes tumor
prolonged retention of dead fetus leads too....
s/s: petechaie, ecchymosis, bleeding gums, fever, hypotension
what is DIC, disseminated intravascular coagulation
harsh loud blowing murmur
what is murmur in VSD
heart shaped like a boot
what does TOF heart look like