General: Perspective Taking
General: Conflict
Expected or Unexpected
What would you do?

What does it mean to take a different perspective? 

To look at something in more than one way or from another person's point of view. 


Why is taking accountability important when involved in a conflict or after getting into trouble? 

It allows you to reflect and learn from your mistakes


How can you tell if a behavior is expected? 

It makes other people think happy and comfortable thoughts. You can tell by looking at people's reactions (facial expression, body language) how they feel about the situation.


Your close friend has been bothering you lately. They keep invading your personal space and interrupting you when you speak. What should you do? 

1. Ask them for a space 

2. Ignore them and be rude


Give an example of an I-statement you could use to respectfully disagree with someone. 

I disagree because 


How can you tell what someone is thinking or feeling? 

Body language, facial expressions, tone of voice 


What does conflict resolution mean? 

Solving the problem


How can you tell if a behavior is unexpected? 

1. Looking at people's reactions to the behavior. If they seem uncomfortable, the behavior is likely unexpected. 


Your friend dares you to play your favorite song during the middle of a science quiz. Your teacher is funny and likes jokes, but you wonder if this will take it too far. What would you do? 

1. Ignore your friend

2. Speak up and tell them that's a bad idea


What kind of language can you use to demonstrate perspective taking appropriately? Inappropriately? 

Appropriate - "I see what you're saying." "That makes sense to me." "I respectfully disagree because..." 

Inappropriate - "That's a dumb idea." "Why would you think that?"


Name one challenge you might face when trying to put yourself in someone else's shoes? 

You might not agree with their perspective.

How can you avoid getting yourself involved in a conflict? 

Stopping and thinking before acting


The teacher gives the whole class a consequence for misbehaving during the assembly. You were doing the right thing. When you find out about the consequence, you start yelling at the teacher. 



Your grades are dropping. All of your friends seem to be doing better than you. What should/could you do?

1. Talk to the teacher 

2. Stay after for extra help


Name 3 things you should consider before making a decision? 

1. How is this going to make other people feel? What will they think of me if I engage in this behavior? 

2. What are the potential consequences to my actions? 

3. Am I doing the right thing? 


How can perspective taking help us when we are faced with a peer or social conflict? 

It can help the individuals involved come to a mutual agreement or understanding about the situation. 

Name a potential conflict that may arise during an unstructured part of the day such as lunch or recess? 

Answers may vary


The teacher is absent and one of the students in the class suggests you turn the lights off and hide before the substitute arrives. You tell the student that's a bad idea and it could get the class into trouble.



A group of students approach you at recess and want to start a fight. What should you do? 

1. Walk away

2. Speak up and tell them to leave you alone

3. Tell a teacher immediately


Name 2 solutions/strategies that can help resolve a social conflict

1. Compromise 

2. Avoid/walk away


Why is perspective taking important? 

It helps you to understand what's going on around you and what other people are thinking and feeling. It also allows you to look at a situation from another person's point of view. 


Name 3 strategies you could utilize if you were involved in a peer conflict.

1. Compromise 

2. Walk away

3. Ask for help from an adult


Your group of friends have not been including you in group activities lately. You decide to start spreading a rumor about one of your friends to get back at them. Is this expected or unexpected, why or why not? 


Have a conversation with them to see if there's something you did that upset them. 


A teacher gives you feedback on a summative assignment that you do not agree with. What should you do? 

Have a conversation with them and have them further explain/clarify their feedback. 

Share a situation where/when perspective taking helped you understand someone else's actions or feelings better. 
Answers vary