do common law partners have the right to equal division of property?
does not apply to common law couples no matter how long they have lived together each partner can only ever claim the property owned common law relationships property belongs to the person who paid for it
do they show your identity when reporting abuse ?
the information received as confidential. the identity of the person making the report is not revealed unless it is necessary for the court hearing.
what is a reasonable use of force?
when used for ”educational” or “corrective” purposes and not be motivated by anger, frustration, or abusiveness
what did the judge claim about Rosa Becker before she appealed the case?
he claimed ”Rosa’s contribution to the household expenses during the first few years of the relationship was in nature in the hope of seducing Lother into marriage.
who are children in need?
children that have been abandoned, emotionally mistreated, neglected, or physically abused
is it reasonable to punish teenagers?
punishment in teenagers is not reasonable. it is harmful because it can induce aggressive or antisocial behaviours
can common law partners claim the house after their partner passed on?
they have no automatic claim to inherit the estate of the deceased. the deceased must leave a will leaving everything to the survivor. if the deceased died before making a will, the survivor must go to court to claim a share of the estate
are teachers allowed to hit their students? why?
section 43 of the criminal code states that teachers, parents, and other adults standing in their place are justified in using corporal punishment or corrective force as long as it's not unreasonable.
to use objects such as belts, straps, or rulers due to physical and emotional harm the use of such objects causes?
what are the signs that a child maybe experiencing abuse?
signs of absence from school, aggression, depression, overtiredness,and a strong need to control others may be a sign
when did manitoba change the law about common law partners?
june 2004
what are the four types of abuse ?
physical, emotional, neglect and sexual.
should your hand be open or closed if you choose to inflict force? why?
inflicting corporal punishment must be limited to the use of the open hand otherwise it would be considered abuse
can common law partners get support after they break up?
common law spouses have the right to request support for themselves if they lived together for three years or more, they can make the request if they lived together for less than 3 years if they have a child together or have adopted one
why do people want to declare section 43 unconstitutional ?
it infringes on section 7 (the security of a person) and 12 (cruel and unusual punishment) of the charter of rights and freedoms.
is it reasonable to punish your 10 month old for throwing their food on the floor and not eating? why?
punishment for children under the age of two is not reasonable. it is harmful to them because it has no corrective value given the limits of their cognitive development.