Ancient China
Ancient India
Ancient Rome
Ancient Greece
8 Features of a Civilization

This Wall was built to protect from Mongolian invaders, keep the Chinese busy, and claimed the lives of thousands of Chinese builders that are allegedly buried into it.

What is the Great Wall of China?


Ancient India was formed on what River Valley?

What is the Indus River Valley?


The rich group in Rome were referred to as ______________ while the poorer larger group were the ________________.

What are Patricians and Plebeians?


Greece divided their land into these.

What are city-states?


A civilization must have these which are large areas that house many people and things necessary for suvival.

What are cities?

China had the ______________ Mountains and the ____________ River to help with safety and building their civilzation.

What are the Himalayan and Yellow or (Yangtze)?


This group were the lowest members of the Caste system and were often outsiders of society.

What are Untouchables?


Put these in the correct order of how Ancient Rome's Government worked.

Monarchy, Empire, Republic

What is 1. Monarchy, 2. Republic, and 3. Empire?


The first ones of these were held in Ancient Greece as a way of pleasing the gods and uniting city-states.

What are the Olympics?

Having great paintings, pottery, or ornate buildings is an example of this: 

What is Arts and Architecture?


Not allowing people to read their own books, talk about their own ideas, or have any creative freedom is an example of this..

What is Censorship?


Those who follow this religion religion believe in Karma and Reincarnation.

What is Hinduism?


The time of peace and prosperity in Rome with very little conflict was referred to as this.

What is the Pax Romana?


The agreement that doctors will do what is best by their patients and not what is easiest.

What is the Hippocratic Oath?


Belief Systems that people have in a given civilization is an example of this: 

What is Religions?


Believing that people are always going to do bad, and therefore setting up your government to make sure they do not is called this.

What is Legalism?


Business and legal affairs  were conducted at the Great _____________ of Mohenjo Daro.

What is Bath?


This body of water was essential for Rome when it came to trade.

What is the Mediterranean Sea?


This group was known as the more intellectual of the Ancient Greeks______________ while this group was more known for their military prowess _______________.

 Who are Athens and Sparta?


People being put into groups either by their financial, job, or importance to a civilization is this:

What are Social Classes?


___________________ believes that we have a right to each other and being good to one another, _________________ is the belief that we owe it to nature to do right by it, and _______________ is the belief in finding your own personal knowledge and finding eternal peace.

What are Confucianism, Taoism, and Buddhism?


A large country that appears to be very different from the rest of the countries within a large body of land is referred to as a: 

What is a Subcontinent?

These carried water to Rome and established their plumbing system.

What is an Aqueduct?


This man was known for his Mathematical contributions _____________, this man for classifying animals__________ and this man for his teaching method of asking questions.

Who are Pythagoras, Aristotle, and Socrates?


People being able to do the work they enjoy doing because it is readily available is an example of this feature.

What is Job Specialization?
