How much is a quarter worth?
25 cents
Tell me something you would wear working in a kitchen for hygiene?
Hairnet, gloves, apron, etc..
What day is today?
WHat site has food?
DAB, Fanning cafe, Wawecus
Please add 2 dimes and a quarter
45 cents
Tell me one internship you had this year?
Answers will vary
How much does an item cost at the DAB cafe?
Where do we use water and hear loud noises for travel?
25+ 25+25=
Where do we use clerical skills at a site?
Elder Services
What is the address at Fanning?
24 Chatham St.
Name a site that you use the following:
pencils, coloring sheets, young students are present.
Roosevelt or Nelson Place
What is a good hygiene routine for work?
Shower, deodorant, brush teeth, hair and clean clothes
How many months in a year?
Name a site we can walk to and give back to our community?
El Buen
how many quarters in a one dollar?
How many week in a year?
What day is the last day of school this year?
June 20th
Favorite site and explain?
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