What are the 3 primary colors?
Red, Yellow, Blue
Who was most famous for surrealism paintings?
Salvador Dali
What does monochromatic mean?
When you use one color and change it by adding white and black.
Art that does not represent an accurate depiction of visual reality. Instead it uses lines, shapes, colors, and forms.
What is negative space
The space around the object
What is another word for color?
How many names was Picasso's full name
What is shade?
Black and a color
What is surrealism?
Art that is represented in a dreamlike state.
What are the 4 ways you can emphasize art?
Size, Placement, Shape, Color
How do you make a tertiary color?
What artist cut his ear off and gave it away as a "present"?
What does CYMK stand for in printing?
Cyan, Yellow, Magenta, Black
What is a characteristic of pop art?
Bright bold colors
What do we create using lines and patterns?
What are 3 warm colors?
Red, Orange, Yellow
What artist was most well known for starting the Cubist art movement?
Pablo Picasso
A style of art that takes landscapes, objects, and people, and transforms them into geometric shapes.
What is positive space?
The object
What is tint?
White and a color
Keith Harring
What are the secondary colors?
Green, Purple, Orange
What is the difference between street art and graffitti?
Street art is legal and the artist has permission to make it.
What is the definition of line?
The path traced by a moving object.