  1. A practice manager is interviewing a medical assistant for a new position in the office. Which of the following information can an employer legally ask of a prospective employee?

    1. Religion

    2. Political affiliation

    3. Education

    4. Number of children

3. education

  1. According to the brain-oriented death definition, death occurs when:

    1. breathing is the only remaining function

    2. heart action is the only remaining function

    3. there is irreversible cessation of all brain function

    4. the brain stem is the only remaining function

3. there is irreversible cessation of all brain function

  1. Which of the following statements regarding stem cell use is true?

    1. Adult human body tissues do not produce stem cells.

    2. Adult stem cells are pluripotent.

    3. Embryonic stem cells have a greater potential to treat a wider variety of diseases.

    4. Embryonic stem cells are multipotent.

3. Embryonic stem cells have a greater potential to treat a wider variety of diseases.

  1. A gene that predisposes a woman to breast cancer has been discovered by scientists. Women who are tested to see if this gene is present are using what type of genetic testing?

    1. Carrier

    2. Forensic

    3. Diagnostic

    4. Predictive

4. predictive

  1. A patient asks his physician "Can you help me die in peace?" The physician agrees to withhold medical treatment for this patient. This is an example of what type of euthanasia?

    1. Active

    2. Passive

    3. Involuntary

    4. Physician-assisted

2. passive

  1. Which of the following is not an area of questioning appropriate for the employer to ask a job applicant?

    1. Work experience

    2. Hours available to work

    3. Birth date

    4. Social Security number

3. birth date

  1. A permanent change in DNA is the usual cause of genetic diseases. What is the term for this harmful effect?

    1. Mutation

    2. Cloning

    3. Multipotent stem cells

    4. mtDNA

1. Mutation

  1. A new mother leaves her infant daughter in a safe place at a nurse's station in a hospital. This mother is protected from legal prosecution or with reduced legal prosecution by what legislation?

    1. Parens patriae

    2. Safe haven law

    3. Best interest of the child act

    4. Federal Child Abuse Amendments

2. safe haven law

  1. A patient has been diagnosed with incurable, lung cancer and it is determined that death is imminent. What type of care would best serve this patient?

    1. Curative

    2. Palliative

    3. Hospitalization

    4. Homeopathic

2. Palliative

  1. Which of the following is the legal term for an advance directive that specifies an individual's end-of-life wishes for medical treatment without necessarily appointing a designee to make legal decisions for him or her?

    1. Living will

    2. Durable power of attorney

    3. Patient self-determination

    4. Health care proxy

1. living will

  1. Quid pro quo is prohibited under the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) definition of sexual harassment. Which of the following is an example of this type of harassment?

    1. A physician makes a nurse feel uncomfortable by constantly commenting on her attire and physical appearance.

    2. A surgical resident is offered opportunities to scrub in on a procedure if he dates the surgeon.

    3. A nurse in a nursing home sexually harasses physically disabled patients whom she is helping to take a shower.

    4. A physician constantly talks about his "love life" in front of the office staff.

2. A surgical resident is offered opportunities to scrub in on a procedure if he dates the surgeon.

  1. An obstetrician is caring for a young woman who wants to undergo genetic testing prior to becoming pregnant. What would be the best response to this patient?

    1. Tell her that genetic testing will not determine genetic disorders passed on to a fetus.

    2. Tell her that genetic testing is not recommended when determining pregnancy.

    3. Refer the woman to a qualified genetic counselor.

    4. Tell her about the emotional aspects of caring for a baby with a genetic disease.


3. Refer the woman to a qualified genetic counselor.

  1. Which of the following is true regarding the legal rights of newborns in the United States?

    1. They are not protected under the Constitution.

    2. They are determined by the parents in charge.

    3. They are the same as for any other American citizen of any age.

    4. They do not have any legal rights until they reach age 21.

3. They are the same as for any other American citizen of any age.

  1. Which of the following is not a goal of palliative care?

    1. Using current research studies to find a cure for a terminal illness.

    2. Providing comfort to dying patients.

    3. Providing symptom management to a patient with a terminal illness.

    4. Using pain management to promote comfort for a patient with a terminal illness.

1. Using current research studies to find a cure for a terminal illness.

  1. How is a health care power of attorney different than a durable power of attorney?

    1. A health care power of attorney must be redone every 5 years.

    2. A health care power of attorney cannot specify end-of-life medical decisions.

    3. A health care power of attorney designee must be related to the patient.

    4. A health care power of attorney designee can only make health care decisions.

4. A health care power of attorney designee can only make health care decisions.

  1. Sexual harassment includes:

    1. request for sexual favors

    2. verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature

    3. unwelcome sexual advances

    4. all of the above

4. All of the above

  1. One type of genetic engineering that is extremely controversial is cloning. Which of the following statements accurately describes an aspect of this process?

    1. The egg and sperm cells in our bodies are clones.

    2. A clone is an organism produced asexually from a cell from each of the parents.

    3. A clone is genetically identical to the parent.

    4. Fraternal twins are clones.

3. A clone is genetically identical to the parent.

  1. A 17-year-old female lives with her parents and meets the requirements to give informed consent to have a small basal cell carcinoma removed. Which of the following would this teenager be considered?

    1. Knowledgeable minor

    2. Emancipated minor

    3. Protected minor

    4. Mature minor

4. mature minor

  1. A physician suggests hospice care for a patient with aggressive brain cancer who is not responding to curative care. Which of the following is true about hospice care?

    1. The care occurs in a hospice facility that is separate from other medical facilities.

    2. It focuses on relieving pain using alternative comfort measures instead of medications.

    3. It is not designed to meet the emotional needs of the patient or family.

    4. It is not designed to target the underlying disease process.

4. It is not designed to target the underlying disease process.

  1. What was the purpose of the creation of the Uniform Anatomical Gift Act?

    1. To allow individuals to donate body parts for money.

    2. To allow individuals to donate their bodies to science after death.

    3. To allow individuals to bid on donated organs.

    4. To allow physicians to use organs as they see fit.

2. To allow individuals to donate their bodies to science after death.

  1. The ruling that mainly influences women's rights to privacy includes the right to abortion was made by the U. S. Supreme Court in which case?  It is the same case that has been reversed that influences women's rights to privacy.

    1. Griswold v Connecticut

    2. Griswold v Roe

    3. Roe v Texas

    4. Roe v Wade

3. Roe v Wade

  1. Transplanting animal tissues and organs into humans is called

    1. xenotransplantation.

    2. gene cloning.

    3. therapeutic cloning.

    4. gene transplantation.

1. xenotransplantation.

  1. A teenager who is pregnant receives an abortion without parental notice due to "judicial bypass." What does this term signify?

    1. The teenager has traveled to another state to obtain the abortion without parental notification.

    2. The teenager has obtained approval from a judge for the abortion without parental notification.

    3. The state in which the teenager lives allows practitioners to perform abortions without parental consent.

    4. The judge has decided that the teenager is an emancipated minor and may receive the abortion without parental notification.

2. The teenager has obtained approval from a judge for the abortion without parental notification.

  1. The 1989 Uniform Rights of the Terminally Ill Act serves as a guideline for state legislatures in constructing laws addressing which of the following?

    1. Advance directives

    2. Right to die

    3. Euthanasia

    4. Palliative care

1. advance directives

  1. Which of the following statements best describes the term "grief"?

    1. Grief is an emotion felt only when a loved one dies.

    2. Grief is the human reaction to loss.

    3. Grief is the process that occurs after resolution takes place.

    4. Grief is general sadness that occurs when things go wrong.

2. Grief is the human reaction to loss.
