Always used when student has CP.
What is the GMFM?
Information in management section of IEP
What is IEP driven equipment that should be ordered?
What is the Gross Motor Function Classification System?
Always include on email when contacting accessibility or equipment team.
Who is the PT supervisor?
Brooklyn color on Google calendar
What is yellow?
Tests that assess wheelchair mobility (3 answers)
What is 1 Stroke Push Test (1SPT), Wheelchair Propulsion Test (WPT), 6-Minute Push Test (6MPT)?
Send report for review in these situations (at least 3 answers)
What is:
When requested
Impartial or potential for impartial
Eval involving equipment
What is Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, Time-Based?
Who are Adina, Michele M, Michelle F and your payroll secretary
Most common reason for referral
What is “to determine the need for services”?
Tests for students older than 15 (at least 3 answers)
What are the:
Modified EEI
Timed Floor to Stand
2-min Walk Test
Pediatric Reach Test
30-second Walk Test
Berg Balance Scale
Vision assessment is done in these scenarios (at least 2 answers)
What is when a student is
- tripping
- bumping into objects in environment
- stair difficulty when no balance/motor issue is present.
What is the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act?
When a student can not get to his classroom once in school.
What is the Office of Accessibility?
Use this wording in report instead of non-verbal
What is non-speaking?
Tests for students under 5 (at least 3 answers)
What are the:
2-minute Walk Test
6-minute Walk Test
Pediatric Balance Scale
Purpose of IDEAS to GOALS checklist
What is to provide resources for developing and evaluating goals?
What is the Kindergarten IEP Process?
When a student is home bound/unable to get to school
What is the OT/PT equipment team?
Presented on vision at December meeting
Who is Dr. Rutner?
Tests that screen visual motor skill difficulties (at least 3 answers)
What are pursuits, saccades, near point convergence?
SFA criterion score not used (2 answers)
What is student younger than K or older than 6th grade?
What are all SFA categories not scored?
What is the Accessibility Contingency Plan?
When equipment needs repairs or for custom equipment solutions
Who is Michael Konstalid?
Day of the week when no PT evaluations are done.
What is Thursday?