How does nicotine affect a fetus in utero? (3 answers)
Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS), weaker lungs than an average newborn, and unhealthily low birth weights.
What are the legal consequences of alcohol and drug use by teenagers? (3 answers)
A felony charge, large fines to pay, or even jail time.
How does previous history of mental health affect pregnancy? (4 answers)
They can somehow lead to stillbirths, premature births, smaller head circumference, and major congenital anomalies (a medical condition that occurs before birth.)
How soon after intercourse can you take a pregnancy test?
Roughly 2 weeks.
These are the most common signs of pregnancy in females. (2 answers)
Missed menstruation cycle, nausea
How can Drugs/alcohol affect the baby?
Interference with fetal growth/development
How does drinking influence sexual behavior?
It can cause more leniency towards intercourse
What are the most common emotional challenges faced by someone who is pregnant? (2 answers)
Anxiety and depression.
How accurate are tests in the early stages of pregnancy?
99% effective if used correctly.
When do the signs of pregnancy start?
1-2 weeks after conception.
How can alcohol or drug use during pregnancy affect the baby's health after birth? (3 answers)
Impaired growth, birth defects, and altered brain development.
How can alcohol affect teen's sexual desires?
They are more likely to partake in sexual behavior(s)
How can mental health issues impact the carrier of the child? (2 answers)
Drug/alcohol usage, poor hygiene.
What tests are done early in pregnancy? (3 answers)
Testing for STDs, blood test, first trimester screening.
How can symptoms be relieved? (2 answers)
Eating meals in smaller portions with more bland foods, as well as certain types of teas like peppermint or chamomile.
What is fetal alcohol syndrome?
A condition that develops in a fetus if the carrier consumes alcohol. Condition will vary depending on how much alcohol is consumed.
How does peer pressure play into the influence of drugs and alcohol on teens?
It might make you feel obligated to do those things so you aren't labeled as 'weak' or 'boring.'
What are the psychological impacts of a miscarriage?
Increased risk of anxiety, depression, grief, guilt, anger, etc.
Why are routine tests/appointments important? (3 answers)
To look for anemia, to measure risk of gestational diabetes, and for harmful infections.
How can you tell if you are pregnant without taking a test? (3 answers)
Missed cycles, swollen/tender breasts, frequent nausea.
What are the risks of taking over the counter drugs while pregnant? (4 answers)
Infant withdrawal from substances, low birth weight, premature birth, and miscarriages/stillbirths.
How does the legal drinking age compared with rates of underage drinking and associated problems?
Define 'Postpartum depression.'
False negative: Timing, menstruation cycle, ectopic pregnancy.
False positive: Early loss, certain medications, medical conditions, perimenopause.
True or False: Dietary and lifestyle changes can ease certain pregnancy symptoms.
Eating a more healthy diet can reduce excess weight can and the chance of pre-eclampsia.