Mountain Men/Fur Trappers

Went on a harrowing run to escape the Blackfeet that started in present day Three Forks and ended at Fort Lisa, some 300 miles away. Also, first known Euro-American too see and map what Is now Yellowstone National Park.

Who was John Colter? 


Served as a lawman in Montana after the trapping days were over. During the trapping days, earned the nickname, "Liver Eating."

Who was John Johnston? 


Joined Ashley’s one hundred as the youngest member of the group at 17. Went on to become a legend of the west for among other things, discovering a trail that was named after him that would lead to the Gold Mines of Virginia City etc., and a pass that is now part of Interstate 80.

Who was Jim Bridger? 


A freed slave that lived with the Crows and achieved a position of authority in the tribe, and helped discover and improve emigrant trails that would help populate the West.

Who was Jim Beckwourth? 


Served in the Corps of Discovery, employee of the Missouri Fur Company, mapped the Big Horn Mountains, and was killed by Blackfeet.

Who was George Drouillard? 


Firearms, powder horns, shot pouch, knives, hatchets, canteens, cooking utensils, coffee, pemmican, salt, at least one horse or mule, and 6 traps. 

What is the basic gear of a Mountain Man/Fur Trapper? 


Gained recognition as a trapper, explored the west to California including the Rockies, encouraged California to rebel against Mexico, achieved legendary status in his own time

Who was Kit Carson? 


Came from diverse backgrounds and fit no ready stereotype, lived off of the land, and were independent. 

Who were the Mountain Men/Fur Trappers? 


First white man to cross the current states of Utah & Nevada, scale the high Sierra Mountains, and travel to Oregon up the coast of California. He also had facial scarring from a Grizzly attack.

Who was Jedidiah Smith? 


Explored the riches of Oregon Territory and improved trails that would later become part of the Oregon Trail. 

Who was William Sublette? 
