Place Value
I have 3 tens, 2 units, and 7 hundreds. What number am I?
What is 327
The adaptation that keeps duck feathers waterproof
What is preening?
A steak belongs to this food group.
What is protein?
This coin is worth 25 cents
What is a quarter
What are Ms. Dos Santos' kids' names?
Seven tens and six ones.
What is 76
The correct term for the teeth-like things inside a duck's bill
What are lamalae
A tomato is part of this food group:
What is Fruits and vegetables.
These two coins, together are worth 10 cents
What are two nickles?
What was the name of our first born duckling?
Who is Fluffles?
3 tens, plus 3 tens, plus 3 hundreds
What is 360
Before a duckling has feathers, it has this covering it's body.
What is down
Whole wheat bread belongs to this food group:
What is whole grains?
This coin is worth ten cents
What is a dime?
What is Mr. Jamieson's first name?
What is Joe?
I have 2 tens and 9 units, but then 5 more units come knocking on the door.
What is 34
The rope-like substance that is found inside an egg, that keeps the yolk safe.
What is chalaeza
You can fry it, boil it, scramble it, and poach it, and it belongs to the protein food group.
What is eggs?
These three coins together are worth $2.10
What are one twonie, and two nickles or two loonies and one dime.
Ms. Dos Santos' age.
What is 44
Three hundreds, plus 9 units
What is 309
The paper-thin layer inside the shell that helps keep the growing membrane and duckling safe.
Lentils belong to this food group.
What is protein.
These four coins are worth one dollar
What are four quarters?
Ms. Dos Santos' Favourite student.
Who is:
Sonora, Nyah, Chase, Liam, Aahi, Michael, Elias, Azariah, Riley, Sofia, Willa, Arya, Arta, Koen, Lennox, Rdie Rey, Reeva, Isaac, Isaiah, Gabriella, Deniz, and Houman.