What is the definition of a strength?
Strengths are your personal qualities you can rely on, even when things get hard.
What are the four feelings that can lead to trouble?
1. Boredom
2. Fear
3. Resentment
4. Anger
What is the definition of a substance use disorder?
A substance use disorder is the use of mood-altering drugs that interferes with or has a negative effect on a person’s life.
What are some risk factors for substance use?
Psychological factors (depression/anxiety, trauma, other mental illness), social factors (family and environment), biological factors (genetics)
What is reentry planning and when does it begin?
Reentry planning includes your period of probation and is focused on successfully transitioning back into to the community months before you are scheduled to go home.
What are 3 important things to think about when looking for work?
1. What is your strength
2. What pays well
3. What is your passion
What are positive and negative family traits?
Honest and open, resilient, caring, trustworthy, loving, suicidal behavior, substance use, anger issues, physical/sexual/emotional abuse, chronic illness, mental illness, criminal behavior
What are some examples of strengths?
Honest, Considerate, Resourceful, Spiritual, Worthy, Hopeful, etc.
What are the 5 helpful facts about feelings?
1. Feelings can come in combinations
2. Not managing feelings can lead to self-destructive behaviors
3. Thoughts can be mistaken for feelings
4. Other people don't "make you" feel a certain way
5. How you think influences how you feel
What is addiction and how does it affect your life?
Addiction, also known as a severe substance, use disorder, involves the use of mood-altering drugs that interfere with or have a negative effect on a person’s life.
Addiction is a disorder that is chronic, becomes worse over time, and involves compulsion, loss of control, and continued use despite serious problems.
How has substance use affected your life?
Behavior, mental abilities, physical health, physical dependence, ability to cope, your family, work and school, social life, important relationships with romantic partners, self-esteem and concern of others.
What are some positive activities that you can do to help schedule your time once you're back home?
Sports teams, church, volunteer, work, spend time with family and friends, explore hobbies, exercise, etc
What are different ways to look for and apply for a job?
Applying online, in-person, looking at job boards, talking to friends/family who work in similar jobs, volunteering in a field you'd like to work, calling places to see if they're openings, visiting an employment agency, interviewing people who have experience in the job you'd want
What are the healthy family ground rules?
1. Check yourself first
2. Practice good communication
3. Share positive experiences
4. Have realistic expectations
5. Do no harm
6. Handle conflicts effectively
What are some problems that have gotten you to where you are at now?
Family problems, alcohol and drug use, gang involvement, school issues, always bored or restless, problems with authority, acting without thinking, feeling loneliness, etc.
What are some physical signs of anger?
Racing heart, sweating, pacing, muscles feel tight, face/ears/body feels warm, feeling dizzy, seeing "white," breathing faster, stomach hurts
What are examples of triggers?
Certain people, places, emotions, and things that are associated with drinking alcohol or using drugs.
What are strategies for making changes to your alcohol and drug use?
Recognizing high-risk situations, learning to handle peer pressure, how you think with high-risk self-talk, how you feel
What are some expenses that go in a budget?
Housing, transportation, utilities, insurance, medical, restitution, groceries, medical insurance, child care/support
How do you make a good impression at your job interview?
Research the company, practice interviewing, dress professionally, show up early, stay calm, prepare questions to ask the interviewer, don't overshare, shake hands or greet everyone and send a thank you within 24hrs.
What are different ways to practice good communication?
1. Assertive communication
2. Body language
3. Active listening
What are the obstacles to change?
1. I deserve respect, but I don't need to give any.
2. I'm just here to do the time.
3. I don't put up with anyone criticizing me.
4. It's all about me.
What are the 3 dangerous responses to anger?
1. Verbal aggression
2. Physical aggression
3. Irresponsible actions/Acting Out
What are some examples of coping strategies?
Join recovery meetings, exercise, find a supportive friend that is a positive peer, doing a hobby, meditation, breathing exercises, relaxation techniques
Who is in your recovery support network?
Responsible friends, supportive family members, role models, professional help.
What are the 3 focus areas for reentry?
1. Handling negative peer/social pressures
2. Working with authority figures
3. Strengthening family ties
What are ways that you can keep your job?
Be flexible, be reliable, go to work every day, try to work well with others, keep a good attitude, be honest/don't steal, obey work rules, ask for feedback, identify a person you can go to if you need help, don't have romantic relationships with people at work.
What are examples of sharing positive experiences?
Eating dinner together, going to the movies, talking to each other, playing board games, spending time together, seeing family at a party
What are the 6 positive attitudes of successful change?
1. Honesty
2. Responsibility
3. Willingness
4. Humility
5. Caring
6. Gratitude
What are the 7 strategies for coping with difficult feelings?
1. Seek help & support
2. Check the facts
3. Challenge your negative self-talk
4. Find healthy alternatives
5. Be prepared
6. Take a time out
7. Keep your options open
What is relapse and relapse prevention?
Relapse, is a return to alcohol or drug use after a period of not drinking or using.
Relapse prevention means changing your lifestyle to avoid behaviors, people, places, and things that can trigger relapse.
What are examples of healthy behaviors you can substitute for drugs and alcohol?
Exercising, volunteering, going to school, attending church, team sports, playing a musical instrument, DIY projects, singing, hiking, arts and crafts
What are ways that you can take care of your health?
Medical care, exercising, eating well, sleeping and managing stress
What are some examples of good work habits?
Be on time, dress appropriately, keep your employer informed, treat others with respect, work at work, show initiative, admit mistakes
What are the 4 parental roles for being a responsible parent?
1. Offer a safe healthy environment
2. Spend time with your children
3. Provide financial security
4. Set up fair and consistent rules and limits