Occupational Therapy Process in Pediatrics
Theory, Models, and Frames of Reference
Development of Childhood Occupations
Evaluation of Childhood Occupations
Behavioral Evaluation
Goal Writing and Documentation in Pediatrics

Developing an occupation profile is this step of the OT process.

What is Evaluation?


Which model of practice emphasizes the child's subjective and objective experience of occupations (including volition, habituation, performance capacity, and environment)?

What is MOHO?


This occupation is defined as "any spontaneous or organized activity that provides enjoyment, entertainment, amusement, or diversion."

What is Play?


This is the context of a child's play when they are playing in their room with toys.

What is the physical context?


Theory that believes in positive reinforcement and that human behavior is influenced by classical and operant conditioning.

What is Behavioral Theory?


Client, Occupation, Assistance Level, Specific Condition, Timeline

What are the components of the COAST goal?


Appreciation of the family's impact on the child's well-being.

What is Family Centered Care?


This frame of reference uses adaptive tools and modifications, emphasizing the client's capabilities while compensating for any challenges they may have.

What is the rehabilitative frame of reference?


What is the primary occupation of a toddler ages 1-3 year-old?

What is play?


This kind of test is used to identify individuals who are at risk for developmental delay and would benefit from full evaluation.

What are screening tests?


This frame of reference suggests that learning occurs through repetition of specific behaviors with appropriate reinforcement?

What is Behavioral Frame of Reference?


The format used to write pediatric occupational therapy goals.

What is COAST goal format? 


This type of family-centered behavior is when therapists build interpersonal sensitivity and respect with families and use empathizing and encouraging modes.

What is relationship-building?


This frame of reference identifies developmental stages (or levels) of motor, social, emotional, and cognitive skills and prioritizes repetitive practices.

What is the developmental frame of reference?


This developmental domain includes increased complexity and precision during writing, drawing, and crafts.

What is fine motor & manipulation?


This kind of test should only be administered by topic-specific professionals, it can also be conclusive and used to inform goal writing and treatment planning. 

What are assessment tests?


This category of behavioral learning is used when the clinician wishes to increase the client's behavior.

What is reinforcement?


When writing the C in a coast goal, you should refer to your client by what?

What is their name?


This appoach evaluates body functions and/or environmental factors

What is a bottom up approach in the occupational therapy evaluation?


This frame of reference focuses on practicing skills at a child's developmental stage as well as at the level just above their functioning

What is the developmental frame of reference


Marty and Veronica are both playing with Legos. Veronica builds a house and Marty places the characters inside. What kind of play are Marty and Veronica doing?

What is cooperative play?


This criterion-referenced measure allows the OT and their client to identify benchmarks that determine progress toward their goal(s).

What is Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS)?


The #1 Recommended Strategy for Supporting Positive Behavior.

What is positive reinforcement?


The S in COAST.

What is a specific condition?


This type of "challenge" is a goal in pediatric OT practice for a child and their family.

What is the "just right challenge"?


Theory that encompasses Maslow's hierarchy of needs.

What is Humanistic Theory?


This stage of play takes place from 0-2 years, when the child plays alone and is not yet interested in playing with others.

What is solitary play?


Can be used along with COAST as a "criterion-referenced" measure of change.

What is Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS)?


This behavioral learning type is employed when a stimulus is removed to increase behavior.

What is negative reinforcement?


his part of the COAST framework is missing from the goal: "In 6 months, Stitch will engage in calming activities for at least 10 minutes when feeling overwhelmed, to support the health management of his emotions."

What is the assistance level in the COAST framework?


This approach evaluates the child's occupational strengths, concerns, well-being, and quality of life.

What is the top-down approach?


This Frame of Reference emphasizes that thoughts and feelings influence behaviors.

What is the Cognitive-Behavioral Frame of Reference?


This type of play occurs when children are playing together on playground equipment but have limited social interaction.

What is associate play?


This screening test is best to look for a child's development in personal-social, fine motor-adaptive, language, & gross motor skills.

What is the Denver II Developmental Screening Test


Physical, social, or physiological factors that increase the likelihood of a behavior being triggered by a preceding event.

What are setting events?


Goals should align with this type of outcomes in the occupational therapy process

What is measurable outcomes?


These occupations involve 2+ individuals and share a high level of physicality, emotionality, and intentionality.

What is co-occupations?


A frame of reference that is based on the kinesiology and physics of the human body.

What is the Biomechanical frame of reference?


This type of play is when a child plays alongside or near others but does not play with them.

What is parallel play?


This observational assessment can be administered to individuals from 0-21 years old and assesses their occupational participation through a 25-items that measure volition, habituation, performance capacity (including motor, social, and process skills), and environment.

What is the Short Child Occupational Profile (SCOPE)?


These are biological/innate and are not learned meaning that they are reinforcing from birth.

What is primary reinforcement?


These are two essential components of pediatric goal writing.

What is client and family-centered?


Family-centered care is comprised of these two domains

What is relationship-building practices and capacity building practices?


The first stage of Erikson’s theory focuses on how infants establish trust in their caregivers when they provide care and affection.

What is Trust vs. Mistrust?


Martha is playing in the kitchen. She holds a potato and rocks it like a baby, singing it a lullaby. What kind of play is she doing?

What is symbolic play?


This assessment evaluates the domains of self care, mobility, and social function by looking at the child's functional skills, caregiver assistance, and present modifications in these areas.

What is the Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory (PEDI)?


An example of this would be taking away a child's X-box when they don't do a chor.

What is negative punishment?


This setting has short term goals written as benchmark goals aligned with quarters (3 months, 6 months, 9 months).

What is the school setting


This assessment focuses on family-centered care, associated with therapist's communication styles including treating people respectfully, showing interpersonal sensitivity, providing general information and providing specific information.

What is the Measure of Process Care (MPOC) - Service Provider?


This FOR focuses on how the ability to move influences occupational participation.

What is a neurodevelopmental frame of reference?


Emmy is a baby that has just started to show interest in simple pretend play and starts to act like she is eating when she is not, this is a common developmental milestone for babies her age.

What is 12-18 months?


Based on the Pediatric Volitional Questionnaire (PVQ) this level of play is fueled by motivation to influence the environment.

What is competence-level play?


You observe a teacher give candy to kids who get an A on their exam. This is an example of what type of reinforcement?

What is primary positive reinforcement?


What GAS score would you give a child who has made progress but did not meet their goal?

What is -1?


This setting must be in a "natural setting," typically in the home or community, for children with/at risk for developmental disabilities.

What is early Intervention?


This model emphasizes a press for mastery on occupational participation, interaction between the person and the occupational environment.

What is the occupational adaptation model?


The age at which a child catches and kicks a ball, runs, and snips with scissors.

What is 3 years?


This is the average age of integration between the vestibular, proprioceptive, tactile, and visual systems.

What is 4-6 months?


The score given to an expected outcome when using Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS). 

What is 0?


This is a primary model guiding the understanding of therapeutic use of self—emphasis on the intentional use of verbal and nonverbal communication, critical self-awareness, and interpersonal reasoning.

What is the Intentional Relationship Model? 


This model emphasizes the importance of spirituality, person, occupation, and environment on occupational performance and engagement.

What is Canadian Model of Occupational Performance and Engagement (CMOP-E)?


Games with simple rules and cooperative play emerges at this age range.

What is 4-5 years?


Observational assessment of functional skills and caregiver assistance during occupations.

What is PEDI or PEDI-Computer Adaptive Test (PEDI-CAT) 


When creating goals for this setting, it is important to focus on early childhood occupations and family priorities.

What is early intervention


An IRM communication mode that involves providing encouragement and highlighting current strengths.

What is the encouraging mode of communication?


This model emphasizes the importance of meaning, purpose, and possibilities in
occupational participation, and it accounts for the influence of history, relationships, and

What is the Canadian Model of Occupational Participation (CanMOP)?


Usually seen in ages 2-3, this type of play combines multiple schemas for meaningful sequences, uses objects creatively, and engages in pretend scenarios with toys.

What is symbolic play?


Observational assessment of play, which is administered in a natural environment with a minimum of two 30-minute observations, including both indoor and outdoor play opportunities. 

What is the Revised Knox Preschool Play Scale?


Jasmine is a 4-year-old who is in need of OT services as she has been diagnosed with ASD and is showing signs of developmental delays; this clinic-based setting was referred to her by her Pediatrician.

What is an outpatient setting?


This guiding practice in pediatric
occupational therapy empowers the child’s and caregiver’s capacity to both recognize and
communicate strengths while also supporting and promoting self-efficacy and

What is strengths-based perspective?


This theory describes human motivation and the interaction between competence,
autonomy, and relatedness.

What is self-determination theory?


This developmental milestone in play is: Exploratory & Functional Play & Solitary Play

What developmental milestone in play do 6-12 month olds use?


This is determined when a child gets three maximum scores in a row on the PDMS-2 and PDMS-3. 

What is the basal score?


In your OT session, you incorporate sensory play with Orbeez. During your documentation you would categorize this as what type of sensory play?

What is tactile sensory play?


This perspective acknowledges that a family must be understood as a whole.

What is Family System Perspective?


This frame of reference emphasizes that thoughts and feelings influence behaviors.

What is Cognitive-Behavioral?


At this age, a child may begin to watch other children as they participate in play.

What is 12-18 months?


This assessment is norm-referenced and assesses gross motor, fine motor, and visual motor development.

What is the Peabody Developmental Motor Scales (PDMS)?


What part of COAST is missing from the following goal: Suzy will independently initiate 1 hangout session a week with friends to support social participation.

What is the timeline (T)?


This category of the occupational therapy domain includes secondary health conditions, one's upbringing and life experiences, and individual temperament.

What are personal factors?


Liam is having a difficult time learning to balance and ride a scooter, this frame of reference would be best to use to approach this skill.

What is the Motor Learning Frame of Reference?


This event is associated with increased self-stimulatory behaviors, difficulties with social interaction, and difficulties with emotional and behavioral regulation.

What is play deprivation?


This observational assessment of play can be administered in a natural environment,
can be scored after a 15-minute observation, does not need a video recording, and can
be used for clients between the ages of 6 months to 18 years.

What is the Test of Playfulness (ToP)?
