Indira Gandi was the first female prime minister of this South Asian country
These choose your own adventure detective books were published from the 1960's through the early 2000's by author Donald Sobol.
Encyclopedia Brown Series
Arnold Schwarzenegger helped popularize this sport and athletic competition in the 1970's and 80's
From 1977 to 1981, this man lived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Jimmy Carter, the nation's longest lived president.
This term from 1975 does not actually refer to one who quantifies legumes, but more often to an accountant or bureaucrat.
bean counter
Among this nation's long list of prime ministers are John Turner, Pierre Trudeau and Brian Mulroney
Published in 1982 by Puffin Books, the Roald Dahl book the BFG stands for this.
Big, friendly giant
This iconic exercise fad incorporates jazz dancing and music.
This cartoon family's address changes throughout the television series run, but you can always find them in Bedrock.
The Flintstones
This two word term refers to the "authorized absence from employment" granted to a father when his child is born.
paternity leave
Mao Zedong known as chairman Mao, ruled this country from 1949 until his death in 1976.
Husband and wife Stan and Jan wrote a series of books featuring this bear family, including the Spooky Old Tree and The Big Honey Hunt.
Berenstein Bears
Although this organization has been around since 1884, it was not until 1978 that we got a song and dance routine to go with it.
The real life Kirkeby mansion in Bel Air CA was the filming site of this TV show.
The Beverly Hillbillies.
This is a three word cold weather phrase for the 1978-1979 strikes across Great Britian.
The winter of discontent
This Nation's leaders have included King Juan Carlos and Prime Minister Adolofo Suarez, both in power in the early 80's.
First published in 1974, Where the Sidewalk Ends is a collection of this artist's drawings and poetry.
Shel Silverstein
In the 60s and 70s this was a popular exercise for many, especially double Dutch games.
Jump rope
Still standing today on the Warner Bros Ranch is Darrin and Samantha's home at 1164 Morning Glory Circle, from this TV series.
This term was defined in 1974 and refers to a display screen that works by tactile input.
touch screen
This country's leaders have included Georges Pompidou from 1969-1974 and Valery Giscard d Estaing from 1974-1981
This 1985 classic centers around a magical train to the North Pole
The Polar Express
Conceived by Dr. Kenneth Cooper and meaning "using oxygen", this type of exercise was popular in the 80s and 90s.
Residents of this famous London address include Harold Wilson and John Major.
10 Downing Street
Also called Docs, the Oxford English dictionary traces this shoe brand to 1969. It was popular through the 70's
Dr. Martens