D to the S to the M
Who said it?
How do you REALLY feel?
Know you residents.
Are your PRITER than 5th grader?

A new, non-substance related diagnosis, found in the Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders chapter of the DSM-5.

What is Gambling Disorder?


"Don't do anything reckless out there"

Who is Rob Perry?


Calling your girlfriend by the name of your ex is an example of a ….

What is a Freudian Slip?


The internal organ (or part of) Matt does not have.

What is spleen?


Excessive activation of which of the following receptors is thought to contribute to cell death in Alzheimer's disease?



C- 5-HT2A

D- Nicotinic

E- Muscarinic



A 9 year-old girl with no past psychiatric history and appropriate developmental milestones presents with a consistent failure to speak at school for the past 2 months. She is talkative at home and interacts well with her siblings. This recent change in behavior has been affecting her performance at school. 

The disorder this child has is .....

A. Specific phobia B. Autism spectrum disorder C. Selective mutism D. Social anxiety disorder E. Psychotic disorder NOS

What is Selective Mutism (C)?

Diagnostic criteria for Selective Mutism include: A. Consistent failure to speak in specific social situations (in which there is an expectation for speaking, e.g., at school) despite speaking in other situations B. The disturbance interferes with educational or occupational achievement or with social communication. C. The duration of the disturbance is at least 1 month (not limited to the first month of school). D. The failure to speak is not due to a lack of knowledge of, or comfort with, the spoken language required in the social situation. E. The disturbance is not better accounted for by a Communication Disorder (e.g., Stuttering) and does not occur exclusively during the course of a Persuasive Developmental Disorder


" When the soul fragments, one of 4 things happen...."

Who is Dr. Sabo?


Even for the mature individual, psychoanalytic theory posits that inner conflicts between conscious and unconscious forces result in:

A. Oral fixation 

B. Neurotic anxiety 

C. Compromise formation 

D. Defense mechanism 

E. All of the above

What is compromise formation (C.)


Number of vegetables Eddy is growing in his vegetable garden (closest # wins)

What is 13?


Which of the following molecular mechanisms is best supported as a possible explanation for how early life stress could lead to the development of psychiatric disorders in adulthood?

A- DNA methylation

B- Alternative splicing

C- Deletion mutations

D- Gene amplification

E- Reciprocal translocations

A- DNA methylation


When considering a diagnosis of Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder, at least some of the symptoms must have been present prior to age...

What is 12?

BONUS - what was the age in the DSM 4 criteria?


"I just want us to be careful with this term 'manipulative'...."

Who is Dr. Rosen?


Psychologist Otto Rank ranked this trauma as the number one cause of neurosis.

What is Birth?


How many movies did Aleena watch last year? (Closest team wins)

What is 82?


Postpartum depression has been consistently associated with which of the following outcomes in children?

A- Infant growth impairment

B- Lower cortisol in the neonate

C- Long-term child sleep disruption

D- Decrease in breastfeeding initiation

E- Persistent adverse effects on cognitive development

A- Infant growth impairment


A 29-year-old woman, gravida 1 para 0, at 8 weeks gestation is brought to the emergency department by her husband, who says she has been acting "bizarrely and out of control" for the past 8 days. The patient reported to her husband, "I am the smartest graduate in America right now. She has not slept for the past several days and spends most of the night writing plans for a company that will sell baby shoes. The patient quit her job suddenly yesterday and began shopping online for luxury baby clothes and furniture despite the couple's financial difficulties. She has no psychiatric history. Physical examination is normal. Mental status examination shows loud, pressured speech and rapid shifts in mood and affect. The patient starts to cry when discussing her grandmother's death 6 months ago and then bursts into laughter after making an inappropriate joke. She has no SI or HI. She tells the doctor, "My baby is going to be a prince of the weak, like Moses." CBC, CMP, TSH, and UTox are normal. 

The most appropriate initial pharmacotherapy for this patient. 

What is Haloperidol?

(FGAs, SGAs)


"So did you know that Paul Revere......"

Who is Bill Coughlin?


Jayme recently argued with a customer, lost his temper, and consequently lost that customer’s contract. He is very angry about the outcome. He relives this argument, ruminating on how he should have responded, and imagines delivering a precise retort and embarrassing the client. The reimagining doesn’t change the scenario, but it makes him feel like he was better equipped to deal with the argument. The defense mechanism he is using is.....

What is Undoing?

Undoing: Trying to make up for what you feel are inappropriate thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. For example, if you hurt someone's feelings, you might offer to do something nice for them to assuage your anxiety or guilt.


The video game (which is also a board game) Rob Perry obsessed with.

What is Terraforming Mars?


Which of the following defense mechanisms is commonly employed by those with paranoid personality disorder?

A- Denial

B- Projection

C- Regression

D- Displacement

E- Reaction formation

B- Projection


Disorder in which the exclusion for bereavement was removed from DSM criteria.

What is Major Depressive Disorder?

Using DSM-IV, clinicians were advised to refrain from diagnosing major depression in individuals within the first two months following the death of a loved one in what has been referred to as the “bereavement exclusion.” By advising clinicians not to diagnose depression in recently bereaved individuals, the DSM-IV bereavement exclusion suggested that grief somehow protected someone from major depression. As part of the ongoing study of major depression, the bereavement exclusion has been removed from DSM. Removing the bereavement exclusion helps prevent major depression from being overlooked and facilitates the possibility of appropriate treatment including therapy or other interventions.


"This meeting is over now"

Who is Dr Gaud?


Argh! my mother-in-law has come to stay for the weekend, and she's driving me crazy. I'm just staying out of the way by doing the housework so that I don't have to talk to her.

The defense mechanism here is...

What is Sublimation?

Sublimation involves redirecting unacceptable or socially inappropriate thoughts into more socially acceptable activities. 


The club Elias Combs was part of in his junior year of high school. 

What is Cheerleading?


Which of the following hormones has the effect of weakening memory consolidation and retrieval?

A- Oxytocin

B- Melatonin

C- Neurotensin

D- Somatostatin

E- Neuropeptide Y

A- Oxytocin
