What will my new last name be?
What is Burroughs?
What day/year did we start dating?
What is June 5th 2020.
What is Elena and Rachel's exact age gap?
What is one year, three hundred & sixty four days.
Where will the wedding be?
What is Tom & Esthers back yard.
What is Konnor's middle name?
What is Patrick. Like Patrick the star.
What grade was Elena in when she get got her first boyfriend?
What is fourth grade?
Who initiated the first kiss?
What was Dani and I's favorite 11PM activity?
Who picked the wedding date?
Who is Konnor.
Who is Konnor's best friend?
What is ME OFC.
What does Elena want to be doing in five years?
What is a stay at home mom/house wife.
When did Konnor & Elena go ring shopping?
What is May, 2023.
What did I spill on Rachel that she still takes aout?
What is a naked smoothie.
What is fourty-eight days.
How many kids does Konnor want?
What is two, unless it's two boys, then he want's to have a third for the chance of a girl, but he is okay with three boys.
When Elena was in kindergarten, what did she want to be when she grew up?
What is an austronaut?
How many times did Elena and Konnor hang out before he met Micah?
What were Dani and I doing when Tina threatend to tell my parents?
What is throwing a ball across Monroe street?
What day do we return from the honey moon?
What is June 22nd?
How many girlfriends has Konnor had?
What is two.
What is Elena's biggest fear?
What is someone passing away while she is at odds with them.
What is the longest Elena and Konnor been away from each other?
What is three weeks.
Where did Layla live when Elena got her room taken away?
What is the bedroom closet.
What is the one thing I do not want to do at my wedding but am?
What is a first dance.
What snack does Konnor eat in bed EVERY night?
What is Takis.