The transition times throughout the day.
What is 4:20pm-4:30pm and 8:45pm-9:00pm or 9:45pm-10:00pm?
*Not being in your room by end of transition time (without staff permission) is automatic drop.
How many warnings you should get before getting a color drop.
What is 2 warnings?
· 1st Violation = Verbal Warning – this gives you a first opportunity to change your behavior
· 2nd Violation = Failure to Earn – this gives you a second opportunity to change your behavior before a color drop
· 3rd Violation = Drop in color
*You will not received warnings for behaviors that are listed as yellow or red behaviors posted around shelter- those are automatic drops.
What is green or blue?
During meals time everyone is responsible for their own.
Group time on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.
What is 3:20pm-4:20pm?
Leaving your bedroom door open.
What is a color drop to yellow?
The time colors move up (dependent on behaviors).
What is 3:00pm and after bedtime?
(Excluding 24hr reds)
Youth should be ___________ when sitting at the dinning tables.
What is one seat apart?
A refusal of a chore is a drop to __________.
What is yellow? (for the remainder of the day)
A refusal (or asked to leave) of group is a color drop to ______.
What is a color drop to yellow?
If no one has a time-slot signed up its ____________________.
What is first come-first serve?
These behaviors are automatic drops to Red and loss of privilege's for 24hrs. (Name 3)
What is..... Sexual activity, physical fighting (hitting, kicking, shoving, etc.), sneaking into other rooms, serious verbal abuse/threats, possession of drugs, alcohol, weapons, paraphernalia, running away, stealing?
Can you receive a color for school behaviors/ concerns?
What is... Yes?
On Saturdays mornings its deep _________ clean.
On Sundays afternoons its deep __________ clean.
When is deep room clean?
When is deep shelter clean?
Not allowed during group time.
What is sleeping, laying down, MP3 players or headphones in?
These 2 things are an option when you don't want the dinner option presented.
What is a PB&J sandwich or leftovers?
*You have to eat a fruit or vegetable before getting 2nds of meal or meal substitute.
Name three Yellow behaviors that are listed on the color sheets.
What is.....
· Food/wrappers found in bedroom
· Not keeping bedroom door closed when leaving to go up front or during quiet time/bedtime
· Refusal to attend scheduled appointments and/or treatment services occasionally
· Refusal or inconsistence attendance at school
· Refusal to take medication as prescribed
· Refusal to attend shelter programming
· Continued talking about gangs, drugs and alcohol
· Refusal to shower
· Refusal to deep clean room
· Refusal to complete assigned chores
· Refusal to stay in bedrooms during quiet time
Youths assigned laundry day is posted on ______________________________.
*Extra 200 pts. if each member of your team can name their laundry day
The laundry room door and on the top corner of each door.
Sunday- Room 1 and Room2
Monday- Room 3
Tuesday- Room 4
Wednesday- Room 5
Thursday- Free Day- first to ask
Friday- Room 6
Saturday- Room 7 and Room 8
Everything you have to do for cleaning the kitchen during dinner chores.
What is wash pot& pans, wipe down countertops with soapy water and then bleach. Sweep and mop the floor.
You will never be forced to share personal experiences or feelings during group but part of expectation is to participate in ____________.
What is discussion?
*Refusal to participate in discussion will be considered a refusal or group and a level drop.
Name 5 things that aren't allowed in youth bedrooms.
What is sharpies, paint, nail polish, razors, electronic hair products, (specific) hygiene products, etc.?
Name four Blue behaviors that are listed on the color sheet.
Examples of leadership and behaviors that lead to BLUE are:
· Consistently respectful to all
· Helpful to peers and staff
· Puts forth an effort in school and completes homework in a timely manner
· Attends group sessions and actively participates
· Cleans room and picks up after themselves
· Positive attitude
· Takes medication as prescribed
All streaming services are signed into shelter accounts. No shows or movies above a TV-14 rating. Editing the account or signing into personal accounts is a color drop to _______ and a loss of _____________.
What is red and a loss of TV room privilege's for a week?
Everything you have to do for cleaning a bathroom.
Wipe mirror and countertop. Clean toilet and check bathtub/shower for trash. Sweep and mop floor, take out trash.
Automatic red behaviors.
What is laughing or making fun of something shared during group (even if it was not during group) and disrespect towards staff or peers?