Unit 5: Revolutions
Unit 6: Consequences of Industrialization
Unit 7: Global Conflict
Unit 8: Setting the Stage for the Cold War and Decolonization
Unit 9: Globalization

In his Wealth of Nations, this man argued that division of labor was a key to increased productivity, laying the foundations of the factory system of production.

Who is Adam Smith?


This concept, based on the ideas of evolution and natural selection applied to humans and civilization, was often used by imperialists to justify colonization.

What is Social Darwinism?


During WWI, the two alliances that opposed one another were the Allies and...

What were the Central Powers?


The acronym U.S.S.R. stands for

What is The Union of Soviet Socialist Republics?


This event incorporated crossbreeding and genetic engineering to help feed the world's growing population

What is the Green Revolution?


The Industrial Revolution began in this country due to its strong central bank and large working class.

What is England?


The partition of Africa took place at this 1884 meeting, organized by the German chancellor Otto von Bismarck.

What is the Berlin Conference?


Although there were underlying M.A.I.N. causes to WWI, the spark that lit the fuse was the assassination of this individual

Who is Archduke Franz Ferdinand?


This plan offered aid to all European nations to help them stabilize and rebuild after the WWII

What is the Marshall Plan?


This disease is the most common cause of death in developed countries today

What is heart disease?


This revolution in Japan overthrew the Tokugawa and put the country on a path of economic reform and industrialization.

What is the Meiji Restoration?


The construction of this passage between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea was one of the primary reasons for imperial interest in Egypt.

What is the Suez Canal?


Through this system, the Allies ruled colonies and territories of the Central Powers rather than affording them independence as they had promised

What is the mandate system?


This movement by Third World countries condemned colonialism and sought to keep the mostly African and Asian member nations out of the Cold War

What is the Non-Aligned Movement?


In 2015, 195 countries signed a deal that gave new hope for progress against global warming

What is Paris Agreement?


During this phase of the French Revolution, an estimated forty thousand people were killed in the name of protecting France from enemies of the Revolution.

What is the Reign of Terror?


The Treaty of Nanjing concluded this war, which was fought between China and Britain over access to China’s markets.

What is the Opium War?


This treaty ended WWI and arguably planted the seeds of WWII.

What is the Treaty of Versailles?


This 5-year was a colossal failure for Mao Zedong and contributed to a famine.

What is the Great Leap Forward?


In 1989, a large but peaceful student-led demonstration in China was broken up by soldiers using guns and tanks, killing hundreds.

What is Tiananmen Square?


As a revolutionary leader, this "Father of Haiti" displayed great military and political skills which helped transform a fledgling slave rebellion into a successful revolution.

Who is Toussaint L'Ouverture?


This rebellion was crushed by the British and led to the British ruling India directly (British Raj). 

What is the Sepoy Rebellion or Indian Rebellion of 1857?


The United States was the first country to develop and use an atomic bomb when it bombed this Japanese city

What is Hiroshima?

This satellite launched into space by the USSR kicked off the Space Race 

What is Sputnik


Following WWI an organization, much like the United Nations was attempted but ultimately proved to be a failure

What is the League of Nations?
