Menu Engineering
Foodie movies
Business plans
Purchasing cycle
Famous Chefs

This practice in menu engineering involves analyzing the profitability and popularity of menu items to optimize a restaurant's menu layout.

What is menu analysis?


This 2007 animated film follows a rat named Remy who dreams of becoming a chef in Paris.

What is Ratatouille?


This part of a business plan analyzes the market conditions, target audience, and competitive landscape.

What is the market analysis?


The initial step in the purchasing cycle has the specific information on the items needed.

What is product specification?


This British chef, known for his fiery temper and culinary talent, stars in "Hell's Kitchen" and "MasterChef."

Who is Gordon Ramsey?


In menu engineering, items that are both high in profitability and popularity are called by this term.

What are Stars?


This 2009 film, based on a true story, features a woman who blogs about cooking every recipe in Julia Child's "Mastering the Art of French Cooking."

What is Julie & Julia?


This section of a business plan provides a brief overview of the business, including its mission, vision, and objectives.

What is the executive summary?


This part of the purchasing cycle involves finding and evaluating potential suppliers to ensure they meet quality and pricing requirements.

what is selection of supplier?


This American chef is famous for her TV show "The French Chef" and her cookbook "Mastering the Art of French Cooking."

Who is Julia Child?


The quadrant of a menu engineering matrix that contains items high in profitability but low in popularity is known by this name.

What are Puzzles?


This 2014 film stars Jon Favreau as a chef who starts a food truck business after quitting his high-profile restaurant job.

What is Chef?


This crucial section of a business plan includes projected income statements, cash flow statements, and balance sheets.

What is the financial plan?


This step in the purchasing cycle includes placing orders with chosen suppliers, specifying the items, quantities, and delivery dates.

What is order placement?


This British chef is known for his focus on fresh ingredients and healthy cooking and has hosted shows like "The Naked Chef."

Who is Jamie Oliver?


In menu engineering, the term for items that are low in both profitability and popularity is this.

What are Dogs?


This 2000 film features a woman who opens a chocolate shop in a conservative French village, causing a stir among the locals.

What is Chocolat?


This section of a business plan describes the organizational structure, ownership, and the qualifications of the management team.

What is the organizational plan?


In this phase of the purchasing cycle, the received goods are checked against the order to ensure accuracy and quality.

What is receiving and inspection?


This American chef and author is known for her farm-to-table philosophy and is the founder of the renowned restaurant Chez Panisse in Berkeley, California.

Who is Alice Waters?


In menu engineering, these visual elements, such as boxes or borders, are used to draw attention to specific menu items.

What are eye magnets?


In this 2015 animated film, various food items in a supermarket dream of being chosen by customers, only to discover the truth about their fate.

What is Sausage Party?


This part of a business plan identifies potential risks and challenges the business might face and outlines strategies for mitigating them.

What is the risk analysis?


This final step in the purchasing cycle involves ensuring that invoices are correct and making payments to suppliers.

What is issuing?


This Spanish chef is celebrated for his avant-garde culinary techniques and was the head chef of the legendary El Bulli restaurant.

Who is Ferran AdriĆ ?
