American revolution
The United States Constitution
Early President
Colonial NJ

Where did the American Revolution end?

What is Yorktown, VA


After gaining independence from Britain, each colony first had to write a

What is The Constitution


Where did the Lenape ancestors live before they settled in New Jersey?

The Lenape were from a distant Land called Siberia North West of North America.


What were the 3 branches of government established by the Constitution?

What is 

Legislative (Congress) Judicial (The courts) 

Executive (The President) 


How did NJ get its name?

Named after the Isle of Jersey near England because it reminded the settlers of there.


What were the British and French fighting over in the French and Indian War.

What is the Ohio River Valley.


Which document was written at the Second Continental Congress

What is The Articles of Confederation


What are the 8 foods the Lenape ate

What is Corn, beans, squash, deer, elk, bear, berries, fish,


 Which states donated the land that became Washington, DC?

Maryland and Virginia


What was New Amsterdam?

A Dutch settlement along the Hudson River.  Very successful and later became New York City.


Where was General Washington’s first great victory?

What is Trenton, NJ.


Explain what religious freedom guarantees

 Citizens have the right to believe what they want.


Why did they stop and settle in NJ?

What is disaster struck in their land and they moved East towards the sun. They followed the sun for as far as they could because they saw the sun as a sign of strength. 


 Which important port city was a part of the Louisiana purchase?

New Orleans


 What were explorers looking for when they found the New World?

Looking for new routes to the Indies.  They wanted spices and gold.  They wanted to be rich and famous.


What was “the shot heard round the world” and where did it occur?

What is the first gun fire of the American Rev. and it was in Lexington, MA. 


What was the main problem with the Articles of Confederation?

The central government had too little power to be effective.


Why are there very few Lenape living in NJ now?

What is as the European settlers moved to NJ, there became less and less Lenape people. The Lenape became displaced and had to move to other places or many died from the new diseases. 


 Name 1 thing that Jefferson and Hamilton disagreed about

 Jefferson= Small central government 

Hamilton= Large central government


What was New Sweden?

Swedish settlement located along Delaware River.  Was not very successful so the Dutch took it over.


Explain why the Sons of Liberty started.  Which act were they first against

They were against the Stamp Act. They wanted more rights for the colonists. They started boycotts.


Why didn’t Patrick Henry attend the Grand Convention of the States?  

He didn’t want a stronger central government


 Explain how they got to NJ and approximately how long it took to get here.  

It took them about 5,000 years to reach NJ and the Atlantic Ocean. They had to cross a land bridge connecting Siberia to Alaska. Generations of grandparents, parents, and their children had to walk along frozen seas, fight wild beasts, and faced hunger, disease, and suffering. 


 Use the word interfere to explain what message the Monroe Doctrine gave to European countries.

The U.S was no longer going to interfere in European affairs and the U.S. also did not want Europe to interfere with the Western Hemisphere.


What were some of the most important things for colonists to bring to NJ?

Bible, tools, candles, farm animals, cooking pots and pans, fruit trees, vegetable seeds, etc.
