Did you studied at school?
Correct the mistake
Did you study at school?
Ularning ikkisi ham Misrda yashaydi
Both of them live in Egypt
Ularning hammasi kutubhonada
All of them are in the library
If you drop a yellow hat in the Red Sea, what does it become?
Men 6 yoshligimda gapira olar edim
I could speak when I was 6 years old
Find the 2nd form of the verb
Ularning ikkisyam o'zbek emas
Neither of them are Uzbek
Ularning hech qaysi biri rus tilini bilmaydi
None of them know Russian
If you drop me, I’m sure to crack, but smile at me and I’ll smile back. What am I?
Stolni ustida biroz pomidorlar bor
There are some tomatoes on the table
John kecha mashinasini yuvmadi
Both of them are always late for school
Ularning ikkisi doim maktabga kech qoladi
All of them want to take their dog for a walk
Ularning hammasi kuchuklarini sayrga olib chiqishni hohlaydi
I have cities, but no houses. I have forests, but no trees. I have water, but no fish. What am I?
Muzlatgichda hech qanday sut yo'q
There isn't any milk in the fridge
Sen 2 yil oldin Universitetda o'qiganmisan?
Did you study at university 2 years ago?
Neither of them want to become a translator in the future
Ularning ikkisi ham kelajakda tarjimon bo'lishni hoxlamaydi
None of them like eating chocolate cake
Ularning hechqaysi biri shokoladli tort yeyishni hohlamaydi
How many letters are there in the alphabet?
Men pianino chala olaman lekin gitara chala olmayman
I can play the piano but I can't play the guitar
Sen kecha sayrga chiqdingmi?
Did you go for a walk yesterday?
Ularning ikkisi ham mening tug'ilgan kunimga kelishni hohlamaydi
Neither of them want ot come to my birthday
All of them wants to travel all around the world
Ularning hammasi dunyo bo'ylab sayohat qilishni hohlaydi
What has to be broken before you can use it?
an egg
Biroz kofe hohlaysizmi?
Would you like some coffee?