
As usual, we sent several messages back and forth, exchanging the latest news.  When we would “chat” like that, she wouldn’t (   ) know (   ) it was me or her dad operating the keyboard – that is (u   ) she asked.  That night she didn’t ask and I didn’t (i   ) myself either.

As usual, we sent several messages back and forth, exchanging the latest news.  When we would “chat” like that, she wouldn’t (necessarilly) know (if) it was me or her dad operating the keyboard – that is (unless) she asked.  That night she didn’t ask and I didn’t (identify) myself either.



It is important to reassess your life and career relatively (f   ). This self-assessment process forces you to (c   ) (   ) (   ) (   ) the fact that sometimes it's time to move on to a new environment in order to excel.

It is important to reassess your life and career relatively (frequently). This self-assessment process forces you to (come) (to) (terms) (with) the fact that sometimes it's time to move on to a new environment in order to excel.


適語を選んで。 [2020青山学院大・教育]

Recently Mr Takahara becomes (      ) to smartphone games. He sometimes forgets to eat or sleep.

①  unique    ②  related    

③  addicted    ④  indifferent

③  addicted


A study suggests that people who live at higher (l   ) have larger eyes and more ability in their brains to (   ) (   ) visual information compared with those living (   ) the equator.  Researchers (m   ) the brain volumes and eye sizes of 55 skulls kept at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History (d   ) from the 19th century.

A study suggests that people who live at higher (latitudes) have larger eyes and more ability in their brains to (deal) (with) visual information compared with those living (nearer) the equator.  Researchers (measured) the brain volumes and eye sizes of 55 skulls kept at the Oxford University Museum of Natural History (dating) from the 19th century.


I have a friend who (l   ) to barbecue on his back deck.  He puts charcoal in the grill, squirts some lighter fluid on the charcoal, and throws a match on it.  The lighter fluid (   ) “BOOM,” but (   ) his charcoal never starts burning.

I have a friend who (likes) to barbecue on his back deck.  He puts charcoal in the grill, squirts some lighter fluid on the charcoal, and throws a match on it.  The lighter fluid (goes) “BOOM,” but (somehow) his charcoal never starts burning.


💗💗Over the years, we all (l   ) to adjust.  We enjoyed vacations together, ate family meals, ~.  However, I continued to feel somewhat like an (o   ).  (S   ) I had no children of my own, my experience of parenting was limited (   ) my husband’s four, and often I felt sad because I would never know the special (   ) that exists between a parent and a child.

Over the years, we all (learned) to adjust.  We enjoyed vacations together, ate family meals, ~.  However, I continued to feel somewhat like an (outsider).  (Since) I had no children of my own, my experience of parenting was limited (to) my husband’s four, and often I felt sad because I would never know the special (bond) that exists between a parent and a child.


👹👹👹👹空欄を埋めて [2018東京医科歯科大・前期]

Historically, when humans have sought a reliable source of calories ― particularly one that can be readily nabbed from an unsuspecting animal with minimal exertion and zero horticulture skills ― we have often (   ) to egg.

we have often (turned) to egg.



How am I going to survive that place when she's gone? The remembrance of her imminent (d   ) torments my old body (   ) (g   ).

How am I going to survive that place when she's gone? The remembrance of her imminent (departure) torments my old body (with) (grief).


“(   ) only within the last 10,000 years or so (   ) modern humans have (o   ) all latitudes right (   ) to the (A   ) Circle. So, this is probably a development that’s happened within the last 10,000 years.”

“(It's) only within the last 10,000 years or so (that) modern humans have (occupied) all latitudes right (up) to the (Arctic) Circle. So, this is probably a development that’s happened within the last 10,000 years.”


💗💗We now know that even people who are starving never, never, never use (   ) all of their body fat. This may surprise you, (s   ) starving or anorexic people look so (e   ), but there is fat even on the bodies of people who weigh only seventy-five pounds. They look like (s   ) when they die because they lose so much muscle, but autopsies (s   ) that they still have ten or fifteen pounds of fat (h   ) inside.

We now know that even people who are starving never, never, never use (up) all of their body fat. This may surprise you, (since) starving or anorexic people look so (emaciated), but there is fat even on the bodies of people who weigh only seventy-five pounds. They look like (skeltons) when they die because they lose so much muscle, but autopsies (show) that they still have ten or fifteen pounds of fat (hidden) inside. 


The Guinea worm is a parasite, which is an organism or creature that (l   ) on or in (a   ) organism or creature.  People get Guinea worm disease by drinking dirty, (c   ) water.  After drinking contaminated water, the worms grows in the body for about a year.  (   ) they have grown, they (e   ) slowly from the body often around the foot area.

The Guinea worm is a parasite, which is an organism or creature that (lives) on or in (another) organism or creature.  People get Guinea worm disease by drinking dirty, (contaminated) water.  After drinking contaminated water, the worms grows in the body for about a year.  (Once) they have grown, they (emerge) slowly from the body often around the foot area.



How come so few first-years participated?



「イルカはまた、感情を処理するための極めて発達した明確な後頭葉システムを持っている。一つの仮説は、イルカの群れの中に存在する親密な社会的・感情的絆には、このシステムが不可欠なのではないかというものだ。」Dolphins also have an extremely well developed and defined paralimbic system for processing emotions. One (h   ) is that it may be (e   ) to the (i   ) social and emotional bonds that exist within dolphin communities.

Dolphins also have an extremely well developed and defined paralimbic system for processing emotions. One (hypothesis) is that it may be (essential) to the (intimate) social and emotional bonds that exist within dolphin communities.


(   ) you move (a   ) from the equator, there’s less and less light (a   ), so humans have had (   ) evolve bigger and bigger eyes,” said Ellie Pearce, a (g   ) student from Oxford University and the lead author on the study.

(As) you move (away) from the equator, there’s less and less light (available), so humans have had (to) evolve bigger and bigger eyes,” said Ellie Pearce, a (graduate) student from Oxford University and the lead author on the study.


Like starving people, those who are very (   ) (o   ) have lighter-fluid problems.  During long, (r   ) sports events their muscles run out of sugar.  When that happens, their energy drops abruptly because the burning of fat, triggered by sugar’s spark, has (c   ).

Like starving people, those who are very (fit) (occasionally) have lighter-fluid problems.  During long, (rigorous) sports events their muscles run out of sugar.  When that happens, their energy drops abruptly because the burning of fat, triggered by sugar’s spark, has (ceased).



Why do you think Mr Higashi chose to live in Shinano Town?




What do you think Mr Higashi plans to do this Sunday?




