A word that is often used to describe food from countries such as India and Mexico. It can also sometimes make you sweat!
Complete the sentence with the correct word: He ______ vegetarian, isn't he?
Is (will also accept "He's" instead of "He is")
Complete the sentence:
This artificial meat _____ like real beef!
Tastes, looks, smells, feels,
Name one thing that vegetarians cannot eat.
Meat, fish, shellfish, etc.
Any animal
What is the opposite of soft?
That cake looks/tastes/smells delicious.
True or False: The statement below is grammatically correct
If she's a vegetarian she can't eat meat, can't she?
If false, complete the sentence with correct grammar
If she's a vegetarian she can't eat meat, can she?
Use at least one vocabulary word to describe some of the textures or flavors that you find in Chinese food.
Sweet, sour, salty, soft, spicy, etc.
In a complete sentence describe pizza using two of our vocabulary words
Pizza is salty and the crust is very crunchy.
Complete the sentence with two words: This milk tastes ______ _______(noun).
Second word can be almost any noun that makes sense
Example: This milk tastes like cheese
True or False: The statement below is grammatically correct
The dinner I ate last night was delicious. The food was organic and everything was freshly cooked!
If false, complete the sentence with correct grammar
Describe a snack that you like using at least one vocabulary word
Fresh fruits or vegetables
Spicy chips
What vocabulary word fits this definition: produced or involving production without the use of chemical fertilizers, pesticides, or other artificial chemicals.
Edit the sentence to make it grammatically correct: It aren't very hot outside, aren't it?
It is very hot outside, isn't it?
It isn't very hot outside, is it?
Form a grammatically correct sentence using one of the words (look/sound/taste/smell/feel) AND one vocabulary word from the unit.
This cheese feels soft
Edit the sentence to make it grammatically correct: That soup smell like disgusting.
That soup smells disgusting
This vocabulary word can be used to describe chips and various meats (bacon, ham, sausage)
Hint: It is NOT delicious or disgusting
Create a question tag sentence with the subject being "your parents"
(Hint: start your sentence with "your parents")
Example: Your parents are the same age, aren't they?
Edit the following sentence for correct grammar. This is 500 points so I will be very strict on correct answers. Look for punctuation, capitalization, spelling, and basic grammatical mistakes.
When I go to McDonalds, I order two cheeseburgers, a medium order of french fries, a mcflurry, and a Big Mac. I love a delisious, salty meal. My meal isn't very unhealthy, isn't it?
When I go to McDonalds, I order two cheeseburgers, a medium order of french fries, a McFlurry, and a Big Mac. I think it is delicious. My meal is very unhealthy, isn't it?
Describe Emil's favorite food using two vocabulary words.
Emil loves pizza!
A crunchy pizza crust, soft dough, fresh cheese, salty cheese, delicious,
Disgusting pineapple