talking very loudly
pacing more or faster
mating threatening comments to staff or others.
This term is used to be aware of the different cultures and beliefs of the patients that you are caring for.
What would a nurse need to to for a bladder/bowel training program?
scheduled toileting routine
What is the term used when the older person no longer makes an effort to continue with life, such as refusing to eat, refusing medications or choosing to resist or refuse treatment for health problems
Failure to Thrive
Name three communication skills that are needed for the hospice patient
Good listening skills
What test is used to assess the client's ability to calculate?
Serial 7s
What are the changes affecting restorative care and what are they?
page 305-306
What are 4 ways a nurse can help the family and patient experiencing delirium
decrease stimulation
limit visitors
treat the underlying condition
What are three imminent signs of death?
Incontinence of urine/stool
Changes in skin temperature and color
Noisy respirations (pooling of oral secretions in back of throat)
Reduced food and fluid intake
Withdrawal - physical, emotional and increased sleep.
What is the psyche's way of protective itself from the harsh, bitter truth?
This type of care helps the patient with a newly diagnosed terminal illness.
Palliative Care
What are the four rehabilitative programs and what do they focus on?
Walking programs
Bladder and bowel continence training
Feeding and self-feeding programs
Self-care ADL programs.
pg 313-315
Maintain life-saving procedures
Harm to self
What type of care can the palliative care patient receive?
Any type. The patient will have multidisciplinary teams. The goal is to have a quality of life.
What stage is the patient/person experiencing if they are trying to strike deals with GOD.
If a person has a living will and the family members want to change the requested care, what is the nurses next step.
Contact the manager or legal services to talk with family members regarding the fact that the living will is a legal document composed by the patient with their health care wishes.
Rehabilitation goals specific to older adults include:
Delay of deterioration, improvement of function, accommodation to dysfunction, comfort in the dying process
The MMSE and Mini-Cog are tests that will help with the older confused adult. What do they test for and how long to they take to administer
MME - LOC, Remembering, Orienting, Calculating - 10 minutes
Mini Cog - Remembering, problem solving, communicating 3 minutes
what type of instructions do you give a confused older adult? Give 2 examples
simple, one item instructions
What are the 4 types of grief