More Grammar
Work Skills

Fill in the blanks with one or ones.

Please had me that pen.

Which ________? This ______?

one, one


The most important senior manager is the CEO (Chief Executive Officer). Thisis the person who leads the company and creates long-term plans for it. A CFO (Chief Financial Officer) manages a company's costs and makes sure it has enough money to operate. 

What is a CEO?

Chief Executive Officer, the senior manager of a company.


Fill in the blank with one or ones.

I need a new computer. Which ___ are on sale?



Your boss tells you that you made a mistake, and forgot to clean up your work area. 

How can you answer your boss?

I'm sorry.

It won't happen again.

I'll clean it up right now.


What does this sign mean?

Watch your step, tripping hazard.


Fill in the blank with one or ones.

We have five kinds of coffee. Which ___ would you like?



Sandra is good with customer problems. She knows how to _____.

a. train other employees

b. deal with complaints

c. attend a training session

b. deal with complaints


Put the words in the correct order: him / expects / to work / Brian's boss / on Saturday

Brian's boss expects him to work on Saturday.


How can Jana take initiative? Inspectors are going to visit her lab today. She can see a spill on her coworker's work counter and floor, and her coworker has gone to lunch.

Jana can clean up the spill before the inspectors arrive.


Going to the dentist can be scary for young children. The noises of scraping tools and drills are loud and unfamiliar. The smells of tooth polish and seeing dental assistants in masks might also frighten children.

What is the main idea of this paragraph?

Going to the dentist can be scary for young children.


Put the words in the correct order: wants / Sue / to know / her boss / that she is a hard worker.

Sue wants her boss to know that she is a hard worker.


I never know what I'm doing at work. I wish my supervisor would ______.

a. give me some feedback

b. train other employees

c. be responsible for something

a. give me some feedback


Rewrite the sentence so that it begins with "Management expects. . . "

Keep your work area clean at all times.

Management expects employees to keep their work areas clean at all times.


Sara wants to be flexible at work. Her boss would like her to learn a new accounting software. She likes the old software, and her coworker told her that the new software is hard. What should she do?

Sara should try the new software. She might like it.


Read the nutrition labels. Which product has more protein?

The one on the right (with pink highlighting).


Rewrite the sentence so that it begins with a gerund: It's important to floss every night before bed.

Flossing every night before bed is important.


When you want to eat healthier, try to ____________.

a. drink sugary beverages    b. buy frozen dinners      c. cook homemade meals     d. eat fast food

c. cook homemade meals

What are the gerund forms of the verbs that go in the blanks?

Consider _______ (walk) or ________ (shop) for light exercise every day.

walking, shopping


In her new job, Karin must ______________. She shows them how to use the cash register, take orders, and provide customer service.

a. attend a training session    b. deal with complaints c. be part of a team     d. train other employees

d. train other employees


The manager gave these instructions. Change the direct speech to reported speech:

You should unplug the copier at the end of the day. 

The manager told me to unplug the copier at the end of the day.


Choose the correct form of the superlative.

Fatima is always busy. She is the (most busy / busiest) person I know.



Remember to signal when you change ___________.

a. overpass       b. construction      c. lanes      d. exits

c. lanes


Rewrite each tip as a sentence, using a time clause.

You get in a car. Put on a seat belt. (after)

After you get in the car, put on a seat belt.

Put on a seat belt after you get in a car.


Is this person listening actively?

Ardita: Hi, Ana. Can you do me a favor? I need someone to cover my shift next Tuesday so I can pick up my brother at the airport.

Ana: Did you say Tuesday or Thursday?

Ardita: Tuesday.

Ana: I'm sorry, I'm going on vacation tomorrow and won't be back until Monday.



Rewrite the sentence using past continuous:

The radio plays.

The radio was playing.
