Physical Health
Mental Health
Social Health

what should you do if you feel fatigued 

realize what you are capable of get more sleep


You notice someone is acting different at school what do you do

ask what is wrong offer help


signs of needing improvement

anti social, depression, not talking to people, anxiety


what to do when struggling or not happy physically 

stay active, exercise, stay healthy, dieting, 


someone you know has been having suicidal thoughts

help them feel better ask what is bothering them encourage them to talk to someone for help


what to do if someone is struggling communicate with society

recognize warning signs, try to communicate, or talk to the person suffering from these problems. Encourage talking to family and getting out of the their room and house, talk to counselor with or for them. 


what are signs of struggling physically, how should you deal with it

fatigue, weight, other health problems, can impact other health wellnesses, speak with a doctor if you are feeling unhealthy or thinking negatively.


your friend has been acting different and skipping school

ask if they alright, and is everything okay at home, encourage help


what can cause someone to socialize differently

people may be in stressful situations in their life you don't know about, they could also be addicted to drugs or alcohol. Speak with them and help them work through it and encourage help.


how to improve physical health wellness

set goals for yourself, diets, exercise, limit electronics, speak with doctors and dietary specialists  


what to do if you are starting to feel depressed

try to distract yourself from triggers, talk to loved ones, or professionals


how to deal with unhealthy relationships

If you are in a relationship causing you to cut off communication with loved ones or friends you should not be with this person, if possible speak to someone about this problem and space away from the relation ship


how can physical health affect me

physical health as well as others all impact each other. If you feel negatively about your self physically you may feel discouraged bringing your mental health down and this may cause you to avoid talking to people.


what to do if you feel discouraged to do anything

find what is bothering you and distract your self from it. do something you enjoy doing, talk to loved ones and professionals


how do I know if I am unwell with social health

many people may not realize they are struggling with mental health problems, some important warning signs to realize are, avoid people, anxiety and depression, struggling to talk with people, staying in rooms alone, struggling in other health categories.