How much is 20 raised to 2?
Dove è avvenuta la rivoluzione industriale?
In Francia e in Inghilterra
Who was the most important god in greek mythology?
Base form, past and past participle of the verb “Arise”
Arise, Arose, Arisen.
¿Los adverbios tienen género y número?
No, no tienen.
What are quadrilaterals?
Quadrilaterals are polygons with four sides
Dove nacque Napoleone Bonaparte?
Nacque ad Ajaccio, in Corsica (Francia)
What political system was there in Athens?
Base form, past and past participle of the verb “Tell”
Tell, told, told.
¿Que es un diálogo?
Son las palabras que intercambian los personajes
What is the formula of the theorem of Pitagoras?
Cosa successe il 14 luglio 1897 in Francia?
La popolazione francese assalto la Bastiglia, la fortezza che simboleggiava il potere del re e dove venivano rinchiusi i suoi avversari politici.
What does “democracy“ mean?
Government of the people
Base form, past and past participle of the verb “Sting”
Sting, stung, stung
¿Quién es el antagonista de una historia?
Es el personaje que intenta que el protagonista no logre su objetivo
What is the name of the point where the three heights of a triangle intersect?
Quante costituzioni vennero proclamate durante la Rivoluzione Francese?
Vennero proclamate tre costituzioni diverse
How long did the ancient Greek civilization last?
Approximately 800 years
How do you say the verb “Spread” in Spanish?
¿Que es una acotación?
Es una nota que el autor pone entre paréntesis en un teatro para que se entiende mejor la escena.
What is the point from which a circle can be drawn that circumscribes the triangle?
Chi inventó la macchina a vapore?
La inventó James Watt
In what period did Greek sculptures represent movement and emotions at the same time?
In Helenistic period
How do you say “alojamiento” in English?
¿Que es el pareado en poesia?
Es una estrofa de dos versos, de arte menor o mayor, que riman entre sí.