Coping Skills I
Coping Skills II
Body Clues
Body Language

Any single coping skill

What is taking a walk, deep breaths, positive affirmations, counting to 10, talk to a friend, etc.,


This refers to conscious strategies used to deal with unpleasant or difficult emotions

What is coping skills? 

Name any emotion

What is happy, sad, angry, bored, upset, frustrated, calm, excited, anxious, scared, etc.?


If your stomach is growling, it might be a clue that you are...


Nonverbal communication including gestures, eye contact, posture, and facial expressions 

What is body language?


Acronym to help remember coping skills

What is "MOADS" (Mindfulness, Opposite Action, Affect Identification, Distractors, Support System) 

5 coping skills for anger

What is punching a pillow, ripping cardboard, punching a punching bag, going on a run, pushing something unmovable, lifting weights, deep breaths, yelling into a pillow, exercise, etc.?


A natural, instinctual response brought on by thoughts, circumstances, behaviors, or relationships to others 

What is emotions? 


Signals your body gives you that tells you what emotions you might feel

What is body clues?


If you are talking to someone and they are not looking at you, not adding to the conversation, giving short answers, they might be...

What is not interested or distracted? 


5 Distractor Activities

What is playing a game, watching TV, listening to music, going on a walk, playing outside, drawing/coloring, dancing, writing a story, making slime, making a craft, etc., 


5 coping skills for sad 

What is talking to friends/family about how you feel, do something you enjoy (play games, draw, color), taking a nap, watching your favorite TV show, writing in a journal, reading a book, yoga, meditation, deep breathing, distracting yourself, going on a walk, etc.?


Feeling completely overcome or overpowered by thoughts or feelings; overburdened 

What is overwhelmed?


3 body clues for feeling angry

What is feeling warm (especially in the face or neck), clenching fists, increased speaking volume, clenching jaw, grinding teeth, increased heart rate, talking faster than usual, face turning red, etc?


If someone is quiet, not talking as much as usual, slouched shoulders, has their head down, and/or crying, they might feel...

What is sad or upset?


5 Mindfulness Activities

What is yoga, meditation, assessing the situation, assessing what you can/can't control, focusing on the present moment, breathing in the good/breathing out the bad, writing in a journal, body scans, identifying body clues, etc.,? 


Any 6 coping skills

What is taking a walk, running, exercise, talking to friends/family, blowing bubbles, distracting yourself, identifying how you feel, taking a nap, punching a pillow, screaming into a pillow, writing in a journal, playing games, coloring, painting, sensory play, using fidget toys, counting on your fingers, reading, deep breaths, listening to music, giving yourself a break, being alone, meditation, yoga, etc.?


Feeling a sudden, overpowering fright; extreme panic, fear, or worry 

What is anxious? 


3 body clues for sad 

What is moving slower than usual, lacking energy, speaking quieter than usual, decreased eye contact, crying/eyes watering, throat burning, slumped posture, tightening in chest, etc.?


If someone is smiling, talking more than usual, jumping up and down, making eye contact, and/or laughing, they might feel...

What is happy or excited? 


This is known as identifying your emotions and body clues; identifying how your emotions affect you and others 

What is Affect Identification?


Any 10 coping skills

What is taking a walk, running, exercise, talking to friends/family, blowing bubbles, distracting yourself, identifying how you feel, taking a nap, punching a pillow, screaming into a pillow, writing in a journal, playing games, coloring, painting, sensory play, using fidget toys, counting on your fingers, reading, deep breaths, listening to music, giving yourself a break, being alone, meditation, yoga, etc.?


Feeling or showing a state of self-conscious confusion and distress; worried about how other view/think of you

What is embarrassed? 


3 body clues for excited 

What is smiling, feeling energized, talking more than usual, talking faster than usual, bouncy movements, etc.? 


Eye contact may indicate...

What is attention, interest, and engagement? 
