influences in establishing SMES
business planning process
critical issues in business
success and failure

what does SME stand for 

small to medium enterprise 


what is one factor that influences the establishment of an SME enterprise?

  • Availability of funding and financial resources
  • Market demand and industry trends
  • Government policies and regulations
  • Access to skilled labor and talent
  • Technological advancements and infrastructure
  • Entrepreneur's expertise and experience
  • Competitive landscape and market conditions
  • Support from business networks and mentors

What is the purpose of a business plan?

To outline a company's goals and strategies for achieving them


What are 3 factors contribute to business success?

  • Strong leadership
  • Clear vision and mission
  • Effective marketing strategies
  • Sound financial management
  • High-quality products or services
  • Customer focus and satisfaction
  • Skilled and motivated workforce
  • Continuous innovation and improvement

what movie is this🎈 🧓  🏠? 



what are 2 common funding sources of SMEs

- bank loans 

- personal savings

-venture capital

- angel investors 

- government grants 

- crowdfunding platforms 


What external factors influence the establishment of an SME enterprise?

  • Economic conditions and stability
  • Government policies and incentives
  • Availability of funding and credit
  • Market demand and consumer behavior
  • Technological advancements and infrastructure
  • Industry trends and competition
  • Legal and regulatory environment
  • Availability of skilled workforce
  • Access to business support services and networks

What are 2 steps involved in developing a comprehensive business plan?

Define the Business Concept

Conduct Market Research.

Develop a Marketing Strategy

Create a Financial Plan

Outline Operations Plan

Craft an Executive Summary

Implement and Monitor


What are 2 primary reasons for business failure?

  • Poor financial management
  • Inadequate market research
  • Weak business model
  • Lack of strategic planning
  • Ineffective leadership
  • Insufficient marketing and sales efforts
  • Failure to adapt to market changes
  • Poor customer service

what is the only mammal capable of true flight 

a bat


what is one primary advantage of SMEs over larger corporations? 

ability to quickly adapt to market changes and trends


What are 3 internal factors that influence the establishment of an SME enterprise?

- Entrepreneur's skills and experience
- Business plan quality and clarity
- Availability of initial capital and financial resources
- Personal network and business connections
- Company culture and values
- Management team's capabilities
- Marketing strategy and brand positioning
- Operational efficiency and processes
- Innovation and adaptability to change


What are 2 steps in the business planning process

Conduct market research

Define business objectives

Develop a business strategy

Create a financial plan

Draft the business plan document

Review and revise the plan

Implement the plan

Monitor progress and update regularly


What is 1 of the critical issues that influence business success or failure?

Market demand and competition
Financial management and cash flow
Leadership and management capabilities
Business model viability
Customer satisfaction and retention
Adaptability to change and innovation
Operational efficiency
Strategic planning and execution


How much does a cloud weigh?

around 1 million tonnes 


what are the 3 key benefits of SMEs to the economy 

- create job opportunities 

- foster innovation and competition 

- contribute to local and national economic growth

- enhance community development 

- increase diversity in products and services 


How does market research influence the establishment of an SME enterprise? Identify two points

  • Identifies target market demographics, needs, and preferences.
  • Assesses market size, potential demand, and competition.
  • Guides product or service development based on consumer insights.
  • Helps in pricing strategies and positioning within the market.
  • Minimizes risks by validating business ideas and concepts.
  • Informs marketing and promotional efforts effectively.
  • Supports long-term business sustainability and growth strategies.

What are 3 essential elements of a business plan?

Executive summary
Company description
Market analysis
Organization and management
Product line or services
Marketing and sales strategy
Funding request
Financial projections


2 ways businesses mitigate risks that lead to failure?

  • Conduct thorough risk assessment and management
  • Maintain adequate cash reserves and financial stability
  • Diversify customer base and revenue streams
  • Cultivate strong vendor and partner relationships
  • Invest in ongoing employee training and development
  • Stay abreast of industry trends and competitive landscape

how much is the most expensive cow in the world? 

$4 million


what are some challenges commonly faced by SMEs 

- limited access to capital 

- high competition from larger companies 

- regulatory and compliance burdens 

-difficulty in attracting and retaining talent 

- vulnerability to economic fluctuations 


What is 1 key components of the business planning process?

  • Executive Summary 
  • Business Description
  • Market Analysis
  • Organization and Management
  • Product or Service Line
  • Marketing and Sales Strategy
  • Funding Request
  • Financial Projections

What are 2 common challenges in the business planning process?

Identifying target market accurately
Forecasting financials realistically
Managing limited resources effectively
Adapting to market changes
Securing funding
Aligning team and stakeholders
Setting achievable goals and milestones


What are 2 key factors that influence long-term business sustainability?

  • Ethical business practices and corporate social responsibility
  • Adaptation to technological advancements
  • Effective risk management and crisis preparedness
  • Commitment to environmental sustainability
  • Strategic alliances and partnerships
  • Continuous market analysis and customer feedback


which planet in the solar system has the longest day?

